Bust A Limiting Belief

Scroll down the page to see over 1200 comments on my programs.

Here’s the link to my program to bust a limiting belief that 90% of people have.  When you break through this inner barrier you’ll find yourself more able to achieve things you’ve been unable to achieve for years.

Click here to get rid of a limiting belief for good

After you get rid of your belief, let me know what you think below.

Morty Lefkoe

1,598 thoughts on “Bust A Limiting Belief

  1. karim khan says:

    my problem is that v human being r very much dependent on luckm and fortune for succes in our life affairs.our strules goes failed n many cases its luck and fortune dat determine our lives and future not our eforts wat u say? plz convince me

  2. Fiona Rossi-Mel says:

    Hi I was quite interested in reading what you had to say, except I don’t have any of the limiting beliefs you have listed to bust! Mine is regarding starting up a business and wanting and believing I can do better than the very well paid job I was in previously. Kind Rgds Fiona

  3. visitacion leticia s. de alban says:

    You have inspired me to move forward to my goal and really ” to believe in oneself” is important even if everybody has a negative outlook at ones capability.
    i like what i saw in the film. Thanks and God bless!

  4. Your links don’t work. Could not enter your sample free program. Does it work? Still don’t know.

  5. Nurhayati Sireagr says:

    I chose I am not important.
    After listening to you, I realize that the belief ‘I am not important’ is of my own creation. I am important to my family, to my close friends, and to myself. Now I can appreciate my presence, my accomplishments and my contributions to others.
    I am important.
    Thank you for changing my belief in a few minutes!
    I feel great.
    Nurhayati Siregar

  6. I choose mistakes and failures are bad.
    Actually i do not believe that.

    I am the mistake. Being a calendaraccidentconception, surviving an abortionattempt, being cursed by my father, and later surviving abuse and murderattempts.
    I’ll think about this. It might explain why i cannot live, believing being alive is my mistake, my guilt, believing my parents truth that i had no right of existence. Believing noone would ever love me.

    1. Gertrude I hope you read this. I noticed in your message that you don’t believe that mistakes and failures are bad. Ha! I think it’s a miracle that you are here taking this program.

      Your parents probably had trouble loving themselves and each other. Break the chain of self-sabotage and reclaim your life! Every child is a wonderful gift. It doesn’t mean that they belong to their parents. Parents are just stewards or guardians for their kids. I’m sorry that you had bad stewards… I think the free programs I’m not Important and I’m not good enough could really help you! It helped me, even though I was an only child and spoiled at that!

  7. Wow!!.. understanding why i have felt a failure and beat myself up, sometimes literally for making mistakes is like ive been reborn, it has also given me more perception on my subconcious thoughts and reaction to peoples innocent actions towards me.

    Thank you very much..


  8. Thank you for your program.I truly felt how beliefs are illusions,nonetheless,very convincing ones.I am facing the most difficult challenge of my life and felt very inadequate for a whole year.
    Now,I am free to accept my true capability and even allow it to function for me.It is a remarkable victory to distinguish one self from a problem and
    feel bigger than it by not living within its limits.I can say that I AM many things and that I CAN anything and that I no longer feel shame for my
    current situation,as I can transform it to my advantage
    Best Wishes

  9. I don’t feel I’ve eliminated the belief. I chose “I’m not good enough,” and I have always felt that way. But I agree with the first poster who said they saw an overemphasis on parental influences in childhood, when other influences could be just as powerful. I majored in psychology so I know this to be true. It’s NOT just parents alone who determine early beliefs. I too had an older sister who dominated me throughout life. I only just got over the domination a few years ago. And I was made fun of at every school I attended. In the past 4 years, I’ve been fired from more jobs that I’ve kept. All because I was not good enough.

    Rather hard to get rid of that. I can’t say I felt any shift. Sorry.

    1. Hi Ana,

      Thanks for your interest in our work and for your comment.

      After working with over 13,000 clients in one-on-one sessions, we have discovered that with very few exceptions, self-esteem-type belief are formed in the first 5-6 years of life in interactions with our parents. This isn’t my theory; this is what happened when we looked for the the source of their actual beliefs.

      This is not to say that siblings or others can’t be a major influence in other beliefs; they are. But I haven’t found an instance of I’m not good enough coming from interactions with parents yet. Once you have formed the belief, then you have evidence that it is true for the rest of your life. But those later situations aren’t causing the belief; they are the result of having the belief.

      If you try to do the Lefkoe Belief Process and don’t have the correct source of the belief, the belief will not be eliminated. So if you were convinced the source was not your parents, that’s probably why the belief was not eliminated.

      For more information on this topic see my blog post: http://www.mortylefkoe.com/092209/

      Regards, Morty

  10. This is weird for me. Is it normal, not to remember the name of the program I completed? If I try to consciously think about it, I just can’t form the words in my head. No. Still can’t remember it, so I looked it up(again). I completed the ‘I’m not good enough” program. Powerful stuff.

  11. This was the experience I have been looking for. The “I am not good enough” ghost has been haunting for as long as I can remember and Morty has been able to design a video that powerfully all its foundations.
    Morty, thanks for this. I think that I can finally be master of myself and unleash my potential.
    There are many people out there that need to see this and I will do my share of marketing effort to promote your work.

    Thanks again,

  12. Thank you so much. Your way of overcoming beliefs is wonderful, logical and clear. I think that you are making a very good contribution to humanity. Continue your good work and may God bless and prosper you always.

  13. Morty,

    O.k. Nothing really big happened. I mean, no super ‘a-ha!’, fireworks or epiphany. But my limiting belief DID disappear, instantly. It was so easy and so quick, like you said, I thought, ‘there’s no way this could be this easy.’ But, it was. Hard to believe, but it did work. Powerful and fast.

    I’ve never seen anything that worked this powerfully. And I’ve looked for YEARS and tried many, many techniques, mantras, prayers and other systems. But nothing like this. I am, was, shocked.

    Here’s what I got. Meanings create beliefs. They support and are the life blood of beliefs. When the meaning is correctly and objectively viewed, then, the belief is destroyed. This is huge!

    Thanks Morty! I’ve got several very limiting beliefs to work on. I went from a very high six figure income, two years ago, hundreds of thousands of dollars (cash) in the bank, to almost being homeless (right now). In the past year, I’ve lost nearly everything. Money, houses, cars, marriage. I think that in finding you, I’ve found a key to my future. You’re a Godsend.

    In deep gratitude,
    Michael Murphy

  14. Hello Morty,

    I followed a link on Saturday that lead me to your site. It amazes me how much information is out there to help people get through their stuff. However, Recreate your life has given me something very tangible.

    My work situation as a cab driver recently became overwhelming to me and I stopped working. Over the holidays I became very depressed and distant. I have kept myself away from people almost exclusively for the last 2 weeks.

    Saturday I eliminated the belief that I’m not important. I can’t say that I am completely out of the woods but I can’t even make myself feel bad anymore. I am still staying to myself but I feel okay. Your program really worked for me so far. Thank you very much.

    As soon as I am financially able I will be ordering the next step in your program. Thank you again.


  15. Hi Morty,

    On the having people think well of me makes me feel good and important. A side to that is I was treated better overall, and that reinforced the idea I was good enough and important. In fact, I was pointed to as an example. This also occurs in the work place I please people I get benefit like promotions, extra considerations etc.

    So how do I now go about eliminating this belief. I actually saw consequences of not meeting expectations and experienced the benefits of meeting expecatations.

  16. Morty,
    I followed a link from Steve Pavlina’s site about eliminating a limiting belief.

    Your walkthrough is the most effective and comprehensive “freebie” I have ever received.

    I have “rational” beliefs that are very high in esteem but the subconscious or knee-jerk beliefs are quite the opposite. It’s not as easy as being logical. Your program solved that gap and allowed the knee-jerk beliefs to evaporate.

    I look forward to letting my daughters take part in it. It’s so incredibly obvious to me that I am passing down and recreating what I experienced as a child.

    Thank you so much for putting the time and effort into this program and then allowing us to benefit from it for free.

  17. Hi Morty,
    I really enjoyed your program. I have done the “I’m Not Good Enough” program which has helped eliminate this belief, and it was one I really had felt for a long time and really held me back.
    Just thought I would give some feedback however and get your thoughts on something — as I felt that even though the point of the story is to teach us that in general it’s not our beliefs but the feeling we attach to an otherwise meaningless situation – I felt that the emphasis on “parents” and what they did to us in our childhood might have been a bit strong, as in my particular case, being the youngest of two children, I grew my belief from my older, competitive and unsupportive sibling who would often exclude me, be the “boss” and often cut me down in front of other people and make me feel unwanted and “not good enough”.
    All of the “events” in my childhood that brought me to this belief were things that she said or did and how she made me feel about myself, and nothing really to do with my parents telling me off or the examples in the video.
    I believe the process did work but personally I felt it was hard to concentrate on the video being that instead of a straight “Yes.” to the questions I kept thinking “mm yes, but it wasn’t my parents”.. “mmm not really, not my parents” etc.. Nevertheless the process has worked, and I feel much better about myself but just thought I would pass on incase you may need feedback.
    I thought perhaps unless the research shows that it is indeed parents – that maybe it might be an idea to say “was there ‘someone in your life’ that did this… did they say this and make you feel this..??” etc as it may be easier for those of us who did not have parents that caused the belief, to relate a bit better.

    Just a suggestion – I’d be interested to hear your views as to whether this would have the same effect. Thank you for your efforts in this program, and wishing you and your family the best for 2010.
    Regards, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah,

      In your case the source of your beliefs might have been a sibling. But our experience with thousands of people indicate that the primary source of self-esteem-type beliefs is our parents — even when clients at first think otherwise.

      See my blog post where I discuss this in more detail. http://www.mortylefkoe.com/how-to-find-the-source-of-beliefs/

      Thanks for your response.

      Regards, Morty

  18. Hi Monty
    The idea that we are something else, not our beliefs is great and helped, however although i can understand the childhood experiences are where the beliefs are formed, in my experience it is adult experiences or life which has caused the problem. I had some terrible, tragic and unfortunate experiences over a long period of time, and ended up losing everything. I don’t see how to change to believing life can work out, when i have no contrary experience to draw on and currently can’t see a way out of a serious finanical mess with no work experience or qualifications to facilitate it. How do you change the beliefs about life and what life brings? Thanks!

    1. Hi Georgina,

      If in fact your beliefs about life were formed recently as an adult (which is very unlikely), you would eliminate them the same way you eliminate beliefs formed in childhood. You recognize that there are alternative interpretations for the events that led to the belief, you realize that you never saw the belief in the world, you realize that the events have no inherent meaning. After doing all of that, the belief will dissolve.

      You don’t need contrary evidence to realize that your belief is a generalization. You can truthfully say: So far this has happened. You can’t say as a fact that it will always happen.

      Regards, Morty

  19. This was great to view the circumstance as an opportunity to heal my own thoughts and feelings into the situations, that I thought and felt not important.

    I can now see how much I have used this as a crutch.
    Thank you

  20. Shit, this really works.

    The belief “I’m not good enough” is totally gone.

    I now KNOW that I’m good enough to get what I want or I learn to become good enough.

    Thanks a lot.

    And thanks a lot for the aching smiling muscles I walk around now 😉


  21. I feel like I am not capable becuase I have these memories that happened 20 years ago and has little to do with my parents. These memories make me feel stuck guilty and shameful. So I am curious how earlier memories of my parents will take out that belief if it has nothing to do with my parents. I think its more ptsd from something else s well

  22. testing system says:

    just testing the system to see if it works

  23. I just completed the program. I found it very eye opening as well as healing and I feel much better about myself. Although I may need to work on the rejection anxiety conditioning a little more. That one is being stubborn. I had a really scary childhood so I’m having some difficulty imagining what it would have been like to always feel unconditionally loved by my parents and therefore not experience rejection anxiety. At any rate things are clear for me now and I am deeply grateful for having come across this program. I needed it badly. Thanks a million!

  24. I want to send you my gratitude. I am so thankful for what you have done for me.

    However it works, whatever the method, the fact is I no longer have the feeling that I am not good enough.

    Even typing it now it seems like such an empty statement and meaningless.

    That feeling was so much a part of me for so long, it affected everything I did and said and ultimately the results I have produced in my life, from career to relationships. I fought the feeling most of the time and at others I gave into it and sunk into very low moods and depressions. I felt like one foot was on the accelerator and the other on the brake – that is how I have lived my life so far.

    I am now looking forward to eliminating more limiting beliefs and to finally begin to live to my full potential. The feeling of freedom and possibility is immense.

    Thank you and Steve Pavlina for directing me here in the first place.

    With love


  25. I have to admit I was very skeptical at first. I have been on a mission, for quite some time, to eliminate some very limiting beliefs. Your method of eliminating them is refreshingly simple, and you explain it in a way I had not thought of. Thank You

  26. For a while I’ve been sensing underlying beliefs which are in conflict with my intellectual reasoning interfering with my success. Although I know they’re there I didn’t really know how to uncover them let alone eliminate them which has been a bit frustrating. Then I happened upon an advertisement for your program. I must say I was completely sold after going through the intro sample belief “I’m not good enough” and I didn’t hesitate to purchase the program. I’ve only gone through 5 beliefs but I am feeling unbelievably refreshed. I wonder what I’ll feel like after completing the program.

  27. i have almost no memories of my childhood and don’t remember how they treated me so how do I bust these beliefs?

  28. Advantageously, the article is in reality the best on this notable topic. I agree with your conclusions and will eagerly look forward to your incoming updates. Saying thanks will not just be sufficient, for the fantasti c clarity in your writing. I will right away grab your rss feed to stay informed of any updates. Genuine work and much success in your business enterprise!

  29. Hi
    I just finished belief #16 doing things perfectly makes me good enough or important. This was a biggie for me! In fact I was doubting myself along the way thinking I am probably not doing it right and any improvements were so subtle at first it was hard to know for sure if it was working. I just kept moving through the beliefs. Well I am finally noticing improvements in my life. Now, I know without a doubt this is working for me! It is so cool how each day things are just a little better and it grows momentum. I am so excited about my possibilities now. It’s only been a week and my relationship with my teen daughter is much better (was very angry and feeling powerless) and I seem to suddenly have Good Luck in business. All kinds of opportunities opening up. If anyone is doubting, just get all the way through it before giving up…IT WORKS! I am almost 50yrs and have spent thousands on self help and it seem like my life is spent trying to “get better”. I am so excited to start living and enjoying life! I will keep you posted on my progress. Thanks Morty and Shelly.

  30. Thank you for this generous gift. I really feel thi was time well spent, what a wonderful gift to share! May you receive blessings in return a thousandfold.

  31. How very disappointing! Neither, the link, nor the alternative link for the free – getting rid of you limiting belief worked. I only hope to visit the site to try again. Good idea to give away free samples, but it is important to make sure that it works and work out the problems before you launch such a thing.

  32. Morty,
    I was the victim of molestation by a family member and, when my parents were informed, they blamed ME!
    At the same time, my father was suffering from an undiagnosed brain tomer which essentially caused him to gradually lose his mind from the time I was 8 until he died when I was 18. And, not understanding what was going on with his brain, he openly blamed his depression, etc., on me, saying to me that they should never have had another child when their then youngest was 6. That child was me!
    I wish I could get back all of the $ I’ve spent in therapy. I’d be a wealthy woman now!
    My message to you is that you can’t apply one blanket method to heal all of life’s wounds. My wounds are controlled, but still present, and I don’t think that those wounds will ever completely heal.

  33. Morty,

    Thank you Thank you Thank you!

    I have been practicing the natural confidence belief busters and at first was not seeing many ‘big’ shifts. I knew it was working…I only skipped one belief.

    On the audios you kept mentioning we probably had seen some changes by now…I really didn’t but I was going through the program pretty fast and just had faith. (Thanks for the price you charged – if I paid less I might have stopped!)

    Anyway, when I got to the last belief ‘it’s dangerous to have people put attention on me’ it was HUGE. I felt so many things just click in place and i KNOW that things are different now. I had a huge celebration!!!

    The conditioning work at the end is fabulous – I feel so much love and peace just imagining how I wanted my parents to react at those times. One last one to go this morning and I will be complete. I look forward to sharing concrete examples of the difference this has made in my life. God bless you and your wife and the work you do!


    p.s. I used Shelly’s suggestion of saying what is ‘true’ and feeling how that feels and then what is false and doing the same. REALLY helpful for me!

    p.p.s. Two of the statements at the end didn’t quite hit me just right. I had to do some work to get them to ‘unravel’ things – but I got there!

  34. I have a terrible memory. I am in college learning to be a computer support tech. My inability to remember is causing me problems with testing, comprehending what I read, etc. I also have a limited attention span. My mind wanders during class. I also must mention ringing in my ears. I hear loud ringing in my ears 24/7 for days at a time. There have been times when I haven’t slept for three days because of the constant ringing. When I am busy, the loudness lessens. When I am relaxed it intensifies. I am 60 years old, but I don’t buy the cliche that it is all a part of growing old. Can you help me?

    1. Sandy Eyles says:

      Dear Mike,
      I am not a doctor but it sounds like to me you have tinititis. A constant ringing in the ear caused by damage inside your ear. This is a medical problem which may or may not be treatable. I believe that having this condition would be causing you a considerable amount of stress and anxiey and I think this would be attributing to your inability to remember things because it is something that you are focussing on (it would be very distracting). I think that if you get your ear problem fixed, you will find a lot of your problems will just disappear and instead of using all your energy to try to block out the constant ringing, then you can be using your energy to help you to achieve your goal. 60 is not old. You have a wealth of knowledge stored up in you and it is all still there. I think that you will be fine and things will be more peaceful internally.
      I don’t know who you are or where you live, but, I hope that I have helped you.
      warmest wishes

      1. Sandy,
        You are misinformed. Tinnitus MAY be caused by ear damage, but the vast majority of tinnitus cases are not caused by any physical problem. In fact, depression has been diagnosed in a large number of tinnitus cases. I am one such person. I found this site looking to see of Morty has a program (DVD or otherwise) for depression. I’m dissappointed he does not.

  35. Hi
    Yesterday I did change is difficult and takes a long time. I kept falling asleep and felt very confused. Almost like my brain didn’t want to make any changes and wouldn’t cooperate. I had to keep rewinding the video because I would doze a little or just not paying attention. I decided to do it again today and I used the words.. I can’t be fixed instead. I felt more alert and clear while going through it but at the end I got real tired again?? Like I could take a nap right now! What does this mean? When I say I can’t be fixed, it seems a little ridiculous…and I think ..you’re not broken. If I say change is difficult…I still have a little doubt. Was my choice of words to far off? Thanks

    1. Hi Sparkly1,
      I have also found that I can’t stay awake during some of these beliefs! I don’t have a reason to be tired and it’s not right after a big meal so it seems very odd. I try to push through the session then go take a 30 minute nap and I completely zonk out. Makes me wonder if my subconscious is trying to protect me from eliminating the belief.

  36. I have emailed you on this twice, but never received an answer. I listened to your program on dealing with children to find afterwards that is was not for teenagers. I have asked you if you have a program for dealing with teenagers?

  37. Hi Morty,

    I got your system and am working my way through the beliefs – I’m on #13 this morning. Just took your latest email with the ‘free’ connection in it and shared with my 3 closest. I hope they try it out too. Thank you for sharing your insights free of charge – I think that’s terrific.



  39. I find this helpful. But I think often we emulate our parents and that leads to some of the problems we have. Sometimes they’re bad models for us. It’s not just what they say, it’s what they do and what they say along with it. My parents had a bad relationship, got divorced, and then had more bad relationships. They did say things that told me relationships were not good things, but I think what they DID and what I SAW had more of an impact on me. I don’t think words alone cause all the damage. So maybe I have the belief relationships don’t work. But if my parents had had a wonderful marriage but said some negative things about relationships at times, I doubt I’d have that belief.

  40. Michael Conant says:

    “What parenting school did your parents go to?”

    OK based upon the answer of most likely .none.

    What would you see as the answer to “What did you learn in parenting school?”

    using the information and understanding the needs of children to get the best guidance and upbringing to not have to deal with the false beliefs that we are all in need of breaking!

  41. Hi,

    this is really powerfull. I will have to wait a bit to see if it really freed me from undesired consequences of the belief I felt I got rid of, anyways I ordered your book. This thing was impressive enough to look into it deeper.

    Btw. I found examples of my parent putting me on the spot (I had to play music in front of strangers a lot) and I always felt like everybody else was making fun of me – and like I was not good enough!

    I never concluded this from the reaction of others. Somehow I always assumed they were not kicking me out of musicschool out of pity and those kind of things. So I found some instances where I unarguably failed in a performance and where my mom really pushed me to go out even though I plain and simply SUCKED – and she was proud but I am sure everybody else was really suffering from my performance on the violincello.

    So my point here is that through your exercise I found that the belief ‘I am not good enough’ must have benn formed by self criticism rather than by external criticism. Triggered by not being able to perform up to the standards of my mom who seemed the only one not being aware of that. Weird, isn’t it?

    Thank you for that method in any case it was a very intense experience.


  43. I eliminated the belief “I am not Important”. For the first time I know what forgiveness feels like. I have been so amazed at how many areas of my life this belief was affecting. From parenting my own daughter, to being a wife, friend and employee. It has opened me up to believing in myself and feeling more confident. I look forward to releasing more of my limiting beliefs.

  44. thanks things seam clear now & thanks to joe also garry in ozz

  45. @: Dear Morty,
    Thank you for your generous information on your website, I am truly grateful. May I ask a couple of questions? Firstly how is it possible for me to become a facilitator of your work, as I believe it will go hand in hand with my current occupation.
    Secondly, I am sure you get this question,
    what about if the beliefs are past life and we are carrying them through? I am aware you only work with present life, however how do you answer these enquiries?
    Looking forward to your response,


    Melody Bass

  46. Hi Morty,
    Your program has really helped me a great deal – thanks. The process is really amazing.

    I’m running through the beliefs again and I’m getting stuck on “mistakes and failure are bad.” How can some mistakes possibly NOT be bad? For example, I’ve made many mistakes that have hurt people, caused a loss of money, made circumstances worse, etc. My friend’s younger sister lost control of her car by driving too fast, crashed, and her passenger was killed. We are currently in a war in Iraq based on lies – many people have died! How are mistakes like this not ‘bad’? Where’s the line – childhood? I did some damage then, too (broke stuff, hurt myself, etc). How can I learn and avoid mistakes if I don’t believe they’re bad?


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