Bust A Limiting Belief

Scroll down the page to see over 1200 comments on my programs.

Here’s the link to my program to bust a limiting belief that 90% of people have.  When you break through this inner barrier you’ll find yourself more able to achieve things you’ve been unable to achieve for years.

Click here to get rid of a limiting belief for good

After you get rid of your belief, let me know what you think below.

Morty Lefkoe

1,598 thoughts on “Bust A Limiting Belief

  1. Eric Evans says:


    I just purchased your program after taking the free session, “Mistakes and Failure are Bad.” I now no longer believe that mistakes and failure are bad, and I also don’t believe that I’m not good enough. It’s amazing. It’s like the belief just melts and drains out of my head. I now see that I create the beliefs and attribute their meaning to meaningless external events. I have also taken “Who am I really?” and I have to say that this is the most powerful and succinctly stated piece of spiritual/psychological technology I have ever used! I now understand that I am what Joseph Campbell called the sacred “Thou,” I am not my beliefs, my feelings or what I do. I am the observer of these things, and I create my life by attributing meaning to them.

    I recently lost my job, and my mom said I should seek counceling because I was getting pretty severly depressed. I chose your program instead, and even though I am currently unemployed, I understand that the events that have happened to me may be consequences, but they have no meaning other than what I attribute to them. For the first time in my life, I feel whole.


    Eric Evans

  2. After I click on the belief the page I am told to bookmark is blank except for the comments window

    1. Hi,

      I’m sorry you are having problems. The site is working for me and for about a hundred others every day.

      I suggest you try closing your browser and then trying again, or sometimes rebooting your computer works. But the site is working.

      By the way, the program does not work on iPhones an iPads because it uses Flash. We are changing that so Apple products will work in the future.

      Love, Morty

  3. Irene Boshier says:

    Plz don’t clame to give something for free when at the end of it all when u really want to know secret of loosing negative belief in 20 min, there is a huge price tag attached to. Good job in luring ppl to your web sit wit the aid of some friend, does take talent to do that But its not nice too fool honest ppl.

    1. Hi Irene,

      I’m really sorry you feel taken advantage of, but I’m not sure what you are unhappy about. We offer you the ability to eliminate three common limiting beleifs for free, and we do. If you want more than that, there is a charge, but we deliver exactly what we promise.

      Love, Morty

    2. Eric Evans says:


      I got a negative belief taken away for free, and I also participated in “Who am I really?” for free. Morty gave me exactly what he promised. I then purchased the program, and Morty is continuing to give me exactly what he promised. He never promised the entire program for free, jut the belief of your choice. I am so thrilled with the results of his program that had I known it was so effective I would have gladly paid quadruple the price for it. Morty’s method is far more effective than anything else I have tried. I no longer believe that mistakes and failure are bad or that I’m not good enough. I took the Mistakes and Failure are Bad program almost three weeks ago now, and this belief shows no sign of resurfacing. In conclusion, Morty has given far more value than he’s asked for back in monetary compensation.


      Eric Evans

  4. iam dying to see your video and gey acces to your freely available method.i cant see your video in my hand set.please avail your videos in mp4 or 3gp format.please.

    1. Hi Xgon,

      You must have an Apple product that doesn’t have Flash. Right now our programs require Flash. Try our programs on your computer.

      Sometime soon our products will be available without Flash and will play on Apple products.

      Love, Morty

  5. Regarding this process to get rid of the belief that I am not good enough, what do you do if you feel that you know parents and others have probably said or done things that caused this belief, but you can’t remember any specific instances? I can’t come up with any pictures or images or memories.

    1. Hi Ron,

      You don’t need to rememebr specific situations for the Lefkoe Belief Process to work. A sense of your interactions with your parents is sufficient.

      Thanks for your interest in our work.

      Love, Morty

  6. Dear Morty,

    Heaps of gratitude for making such a gift available free to people. I’ll bet you are doing a great service to the world with just your free sample. Thank you.

    I loved that changes I experienced in overall attitude, how I felt inside, a much greater feeling of ease, freedom, and a subtle deepening of presence, and most of all greater patience with myself. If you knew me, you’d know the lattermost is no small thing!

    I gave it a few days before commenting, just to check if the changes were really lasting (and not just the aftereffects of trance or deep focus with no real substance). The changes are lasting. And the changes are continuing, subtly. Remove one part of the foundation of assumptions and the whole organism shifts. I must say, I like this shift!

    On another topic:
    I think I know what an earlier person, cheri, was posting about on 2 October 2011 when she said she was “tricked”. Below video #2 are the buttons “Discover More” and “Repeat”.

    “Discover More” takes you to the sales page. “Repeat” is poorly labeled. It doesn’t repeat anything, it takes one to the third, final, and very important video in the process. It would be better to label that button “Continue to Step 3” to accurately reflect where it takes you – to the final video in the process.

    I initially poked “discover more” first, because I didn’t want to repeat anything, I wanted to continue! I was taken to a sales page, and felt very cheated myself because I was left hanging in the middle of a very deep process.

    But, knowing that I can be too literal (and I can get snagged on words sometimes) and that websites are difficult to get perfect, I decided to poke the “Repeat” button just to see if it would get me better results. I was so very glad to discover the process is completed, after poking “repeat” under video 2.

  7. Snail Shell says:

    “free” limiting belief page is a blank on iPad, or did you just want my email to spam me?

    1. Hi,

      Sorry but the program uses flash and Apple products don’t permit the use of flash. If you try on your computer it will work.

      We will be switching to a new delivery system soon.

      Love, Morty

  8. Amazing program. I’ve tried a lot of different methods and seminars to improve my negative self-talk. I purchased the self-confidence course and I’ve never seen anything work so well, so fast and at a great price.
    My childhood conditioning definitely had me reacting to situations in a negative way. I feel calm and really in charge of my life for the first time ever.

  9. I keep getting tripped up when you ask “did you ever really SEE “I’m not good enough” (or whatever belief I’m working on). I get tripped up every time — I have to answer NO every time because a belief is not a thing like a tree or a car. Do other people think they SEE a belief? Am I missing something? Are you intentionally asking us a really bizarre question so we can see how silly it is or do people really think they SEE it. Could you have just as easily asked “did you ever really TASTE “I’m not good enough?” What am I missing?

    1. Hi Joyce,

      Thanks for your interest in our work.

      Visual people think the meaning they assign an event is inherent in the event, so it seems to them as if they can “see’ the belief out there is the world. People who are more emotionally kinesthetic have no idea what we mean by seeing, and respond, I didn’t see it, the events made me feel it.

      That’s why the Lefkoe Belief Process has separate steps to help both visual and emotionally kinesthetic people eliminate beliefs.

      Love, Morty

    2. abcdonfernado says:


      Im so glad I read your comment it seriously made me laugh. But I do understand where your coming from I thought something similar when I first started using this program.

    3. yes. Some people, me included, feel the image of the event (the memory) that they see in their mind is an _Image Of The Belief!_ As if the belief was illustrated and put on a big poster, like a movie. But what this refers to on a deeper level is the feeling that the belief is ‘something out there’ instead of just a thought in your mind. That’s why turning that around is effective and useful for some people. You might want to look at whether you ‘felt’ the belief out there (rather than seeing it) or whether a memory you have in association with a belief seems like a demonstration of that belief?

  10. Hi Morty,

    I started the process of eliminating a belief and partway through the process I clicked continue and the next page didn’t load any useful content. I then restarted the process but this time there was nothing but a text box and continue button. I hit continue again and I kept getting pages without any kind of video player… is there something wrong with your site?


    1. Hi Casey,

      Thanks for your interest in our work. I’m sorry that you have had a problem trying to use our program.

      We have about a hundred people a day try to eliminate a belief on the free site, and when we only get a complain from one person, it is almost always a problem with their browser.

      Please try closing your browser and then trying again, or using a different browser. It should work then.


  11. I just listened to 10 minutes of your tape. It’s boring, depressing, unintelligent crap.

    1. Hi Steve,

      Sorry you didn’t find the process useful. Over 90,000 have been able to use it to eliminate a limiting belief. Thanks for trying it.

      Love, Morty

      1. Dissapointed at the lack of integrity……you adveetise at the end of tis perocess you will ave eliminated the belief…however ypou meant to say at the end of this process this is what I want you to pay for this information. Best say it how it is…….feels so not ok to be tricked.

      2. Disapointed at the lack of integrity……you advertise at the end of this process you will ave eliminated the belief…however you meant to say at the end of this process this is what I want you to pay for this information. Best say it how it is…….feels so not OK to be tricked.

        1. Hi Cheri,

          There is no charge to eliminate the three beleifs.

          If you want to buy additional products there is a charge, but eliminating three beliefs is free.

          I’m not sure what you mean you were tricked.


  12. Dear Morty:I beleive we could help each other.Please call me at 818-385-0272 in L.A.
    Love,Larry Crane

  13. what happens if my father said I’m bad. HOW do I get rid of that belief.

    1. Hi Dale,

      how about stop believing what your father said?
      At the end, isn’t is You who is believing that?
      Hope this wil help.

  14. Hi
    I have a question.
    In the “who I am I really” process, you talk about the eyes that gives meaning (interpretations) to the events, and the eyes are who we are.
    I knew the things you shared about we are the creators of our life and we are not our acts or our thoughts an so on.
    However I have always wondered why some child give negative meaning to an event while other child didn’t.
    My guess is this child didn’t have “negative self restricting eyes”.
    So I guess I am a negative self harming conscouiness?

  15. Hi Morty,

    I would like to say a BIG THANK YOU for creating the videos!

    I’ve benefitted a lot just from participating in these videos. They make me more aware of my beliefs, but most importantly, I’m more conscious of when they are formed. They are mostly formed in my childhood. I still have many limiting beliefs, but now, I able to point them out and eliminate one by one after following your program and using your method.

    Here’s my story and I would like to share with you:

    I always have the belief that I have to please others or receive praises in order for me to be happy in life. I don’t necessary do things that please others all the time, but each time I did something good, I’m very eager for others to compliment me. If they do, I will feel happy and proud of myself. If they don’t or they didn’t like what I did, I will feel neglected, discouraged, upset etc. I’ll think that “I’m not good enough” or “I’m not important”… the other negative beliefs I used to have.

    But after participating in your programs and thinking it through by myself, I know that my belief isn’t true. I don’t have to receive praises to be happy with myself or my work. Generally, when I completed and satisfied with my work, I’m already proud and happy with it myself! I do not need external confirmation or recognition, I already happy in the first place. These external comments could make me happier and improve my work, but they aren’t necessary to make me feel happy. So why do I believe in that I need praises?

    I try to recall my childhood. It’s always a good starting point. Thanks, for pointing that out! Being a middle child in my family, I felt that I need to be obedient, extremely hard working, organized and excel constantly to gain attention from my parents. I would feel happy whenever they praise me even up till today. I’m already 27 now! And my dad is the type who don’t praise others easily. When I get full marks for my Mathematics exam, he could say something like the paper is easy. So to even get a praise from him, it’s heaven. haha… Sometimes, I also doubted when others give me praises. I wonder if they are genuine or not or they are just being nice. This all attributed to my childhood when the compliments don’t come easy. I suddenly realize I can never get happy from people’s praises! It’s either I don’t get compliments or I doubt them!

    Thank you for letting me see that I’m the creator of my life. I can find my own happiness in my work internally. What comments whether positive, negative or none are just bonus to me. I shouldn’t let them get to me or affect me.

    I’m sure I have much more negative beliefs, but I’m much more happier with myself now.

    Thank you, Morty! =)

    1. Hi Yong Kang,

      I’m so happy that you have gotten so much value from my video programs.

      It sounds like you still have the belief: What makes me good enough or important is having people think well of me. That, and 18 other common beliefs, can be found on our Natural Confidence program. Check it out at http://recreateyourlife.com/naturalconfidence.

      Thanks for writing,

      Love, Morty

  16. Sometimes I have trouble at the end feeling whether or not I still have the belief. I’m totally getting it on an intellectual level but the feeling is something I’ve wondered about. Tonight I’m starting over from the beginning and this time I’m trying muscle resistance testing when I make the belief statement at the beginning and end. It seemed to work and so if and when I’m not sure I think I’ll use it. The method I’m using is the one where your standing body tends to lean forward for yes and backwards for no.

    1. Hi Chuck,

      Did the muscle testing help?

      Most people are able to know if a belief is gone by how it feels when they say the words. They stop feeling true, they no longer resonate, they feel silly.

      Let me know.

      Love, Morty

  17. Hi Morty,
    I didn’t get this answered so I am passing it on to you: I dont hold negative core beliefs holding me back – as far as I am aware – I am only wondering if the path I am following is beyond my capacity or a limiting belief. I am not giving up or looking for an excuse but attempting to be realistic. By the way, right now and after a long battle I consider myself a happy being. I think I may have not expressed myself clearly enough. Thank you again.

    1. Hi Maria,

      Most of us hold some negatvie beleifs fromour childhoods,even when we’re not aware of it.

      Thinking you might not be able to do what you want to do might be the result of some limiting belief.

      Love, Morty

  18. I’ve done the first 2 and my question is — aren’t I now just replacing one belief for another? You are asking us to give the event another interpretation, but now isn’t that just replacing the existing belief with another interpretation which now becomes the new belief? So for instance, now instead of believing “I’m not good enough” I give the events another meaning and believe instead “they were wrong”. It takes the personal charge off the event by placing the blame onto my parents, but it’s still assigning a meaning to the event is it not, by assigning another interpretation to it?

    1. Hi Joyce,

      Thanks for trying our belief-elimination program.

      You don’t substitute one belief for another. The alternative interpretations are only to realize that there are many possible interpretations for an event, all of which are in your mind, and the event has no inherent meaning. Once you realize you can’t see the belief in the world and the event has no inherent meaning, the belief will be gone. You will not be left with any other meaning.

      Let me know if you have any further questions.

      Love, Morty

  19. mechele lagergren says:

    i read your blog,i strongly believe if you want to change you well.mind over matter,you give some good techniques and strong words to hold a person up and give them the confidence to want to change.

  20. After listening to the Bust a Limiting Belief for Mistakes are Bad. I feel that Mistakes are Bad even more now. What’s that about?

    1. Hi Susie,

      I’m sorry to hear that you had a problem with one of our free programs.

      I have no idea why you would have a stronger feeling that the belief is true after going through the process. Most people eliminate the belief after going through the process one time if they understand and do each step correctly. A few people are unable to get the process to work for them.

      Actually, we either believe something or we don’t. There aren’t degrees of believing something. We can, however, have a stronger feeling about some beliefs. And apparently your feeling that the belief is true got stronger.

      Sorry, but I have no idea why. You might try one of the other beliefs and see if that works better for you.

      Love, Morty

  21. This sounds very interesting and I would love to see it, however I have the limiting belief that your website does not display properly on an iPad. Could you help me with this please?

    1. Hi Darryl,

      Sorry you are having trouble using our free belief-elimination program.

      It was created in “flash,” which means that iPads can’t run it. We intend to modify the files so they can be seen on Apple products.

      In the meantime, please try it on your computer. Let me know how it works for you.

      Love, Morty

  22. Hi Morty,

    I know you don’t think anything’s wrong with me. Perhaps I just don’t know what I believe anymore. How come it’s flat when I say I’m a woman, a man, a monkey, just like it’s flat when I say any statement before or after? (It’s not that I’m not seriously trying).
    As I’ve said before, I get it, in the understanding conscious believing including the speed of elimination etc, and I know I’m not stupid, but yet other people respond normally, so here’s another belief coming in “I’m not normal”! Because nothing seems to have an effect, it gets of course, boring and dispiriting to hear you ‘promise’ and ‘guarantee’, so much so that I begin to wonder that the negative statements themselves are exacerbating my already negative beliefs. Why would my subconscious be in so much resistance to your positivity and obvious wish to help me? I believe in you. So here’s another belief coming in “I don’t believe in myself”. As I’ve said before, I’ve been round in circles covering all these things but it’s like I’m a piece of wood, just not connecting, conducting impulses or whatever. There’s a deadness that I know MUST be subconscious because it has happened so many times with other stuff I’ve BELIEVED in and have been enthusiastic about in application, but yet nothing happens at all. I recall one of your earlier bloggers saying that she thought her subconscious must be ‘locked in’ and I knew just where she was at…”There must be something really wrong with me!” Of course, you said there’s no such thing. So what it is that leaves us out in the cold, feeling we really are failures, when we read all these positive testimonials from folk. What separates us from the majority? It can’t simply be because there are so many negs to de-layer that I don’t notice the difference yet. I know that there’s no shift at all, because at least some or most of it would have vanished long since.
    You know, and your bloggers must know, that this is not a criticism of your Method/programme, because it obviously works. I just wish that ‘Locked-In’ and me, knew how we could diagnose the stuckness.
    Thanks for your love and care and all your hard work, it’s appreciated by me for the change you’re making in the world, despite me not yet catching on to it.

  23. Recently started the pgm and perhaps the answer of my Q will been taken care of by itself sort of…What I´m wondering about is my interpretation or judgement of OTHERS judgement of me!
    For ex if I just know that my father considers me to be of, say low intelligence as this shows up in my grades or bad results in sports. Perhaps he doesn´t say anything but I understand from his vibes and feelings that he´s not satisfied etc. This applies of course to any person, friends, classmates, teachers etc.


    1. Hi Stefan,

      What your father or others think of you has nothing to do with the type of person you are. Their negative opinion is not necessarily true.

      I’m not clear what you are confused about. Please write again.

      Love, Morty

  24. I’m starting to see a connection to what I’m learning here and a few things I’ve heard about quantum physics. The idea that something has the options of being either a wave or a particle until it is witnessed and then it’s fixed, or Shrodinger’s cat who until we know is both alive and dead in the box and then would be fixed as one or the other until witnessed. I also think of the question about a tree falling in the forest and if no one is there to see it happen does it make a noise. All of this physics and philosophy seems to point to the witness, the meaning we give something, as having the potential to create it. For me the whole tree question is yes it does make the noise because it’s what we’re used to, it’s what we believe. I have much work still to go to rid myself of my beliefs. Intellectually this is making sense to me and that’s a good place to start. I think I’ll be going over this again and again, it needs to be ingrained in me, especially using the skill of interpreting life in a way that is kinder to myself and leaves more options open.

    1. Hi Chuck,

      I’m glad that getting rid of a belief is providing you with a lot of useful insights.

      Use the free program to eliminate the other two beliefs and see if that helps even more.


  25. How do you define intelligence? How do you know if capacity is a belief or a reality? How do you know if what you want to achieve is beyond your capacity (eg intellectual) or a limiting belief? I am really struggling here. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for everything else.

    1. you cant know can you achieve something, nobody can. but what can be eliminated is that you believe you cant achieve it. and if you try and fail, you wont interpret it as “i fail always” “i cant achieve what i want” because you eliminated all those beliefs and wont generalize one single event and apply your interpretation to you and your life in general. You can not know anything for sure and that will free you not to worry or regret.

      Just do the exercises and you will see the effect, with analysing it you’re going in the opposite direction of where you need to go, you will only dig yourself deeper into despair if you try to prove that “you simply dont have the capacity for your goals”. not to mention that human beings usually naturally strive (when they are being themselves) towards something that is naturally achievable for them.
      if you’re trying to be an athlete if you’re following your true self you will just have a goal to be best version of yourself, not to be “better than your friend”, so if you’re not being better at it is because you just follow your nature… other way you’re following a belief “i need to do this and this to be happy” which isnt true and needs to be eliminated as well.
      there is nothing you need to be happy, so even if you dont achieve intellectual goals it wont make you unhappy.

      out of all beliefs in Natural Confidence set, I am stupid was probably the only one I didnt have. I just never strived to be smarter than I am, never got that programme “i am good only if i am very smart”. shocking because i have all other possible beliefs LOL

      1. Thank you Pepi, I dont hold negative core beliefs holding me back – as far as I am aware – I am only wondering if the path I am following is beyond my capacity or a limiting belief. I am not giving up or looking for an excuse but attempting to be realistic. By the way, right now and after a long battle I consider myself a happy being. I think I may have not expressed myself clearly enough. Thank you again.

  26. I’ve done a few beliefs now and Who Am I Really. I feel like I’m starting to GET IT. Wow! The philosophy behind it all reminds me of A Course in Miracles — “Nothing I see means anything” and “I have given everything I see all the meaning that it has for me.” (Lessons 1 and 2) That is making more sense to me, too. It’s like a little light went on. “Oh! So that’s what that was about!”

  27. I am having troubke, I did the limiting belief that I am not good enough, but it did not seem to work for me. I was the middle child in the family of 3 kids my sister did no wrong, strong christain perfect child and my brother was the baby. I was the free spirit, testing the waters and always in trouble. I have to say that I can understand why my parents reacted the way they did. I gave them a run for their money and really did some bad things in my childhood-teenage yrs so as I was saying this out loud it did not seem to fit, because honestly I was a handful a little rebel.. it has made me feel like the black sheep per say..how can I get rid of this feeling..

    1. Hi Mona,

      In almsot every case, if you follow all the steps in the process, the beleif will go away. But getting rid of one beleif will not change your overall sens eof yourself, that is the result of all your beleifs, that might include I’m not important, I’m not worthy, Nothing I do is good enough, etc.

      Say, I’m not good enough, and ask yourself only if those words feel like the truth, If not, the belief is gone even though you still may not feel good about yourself due to the other beliefs. And even if you think it is impossible to eliminate a belief permanently in only 30 minutes.

      Love, Morty

    2. Mona, even if you were behaving bad, you are not permanently bad.. so thats what you can tell yourself as other possible interpretations. you were free spirit and sometimes your behavior caused problems, but you’re not the problem.

  28. I am getting so many great insights and feeling so energized by stepping thru each belief “ridding”! My question is what do I do about the damage done by my behaviors before that were due to these beliefs? I would like do-overs!

  29. I just bought the program but I can’t seem to access anything on line
    Which is reinforcing my belief that nothing really works . Please fix!

  30. I am from Eastern Europe, average salary here is $500 per month. How should I possibly have money to pay for sessions? I suspect I would have at least 20 sessions to clear all the issues because I have a lot of them.

  31. What a waste of time. Got your link from the Lisa Garr show and it doesn’t work. You just want people to buy your programs.

    1. Hi Emmy,

      I’m not sure what link doesn’t work, but I’m sorry you are having a difficulty.

      You can eliminate several beleifs for free at http://recreateyourlife.com.

      Try the process and let me know how it works for you.

      Again, sorry you had a problem.

      Love, Morty

  32. It would be very useful to have a subtitle option in the site… i can translate to brazilian portuguese.

  33. Jon Palmer says:

    Hi Morty,

    Keep up the good work. Do you have any plans for certified practitioners of TLM over here in the UK? Also – how long would it take to become a certified TLM practitioner? Lastly – could you recommend the next most logical course/programme to follow after the natural self confidence programme i.e would it be End Social Anxiety / E

  34. another question;

    i think i am more kinesthetic. But can I be a mix too? Because first I tried methods doing only “seeing” part and it worked, but when i pay attention I feel it mostly, dont know how I see it ?

    and just out of curiousity, did you notice difference in personality among kinesthetic and visual people – are kinesthetic more emotional, athletic ? some correlation, even slightly?

  35. Question

    Can things like “introversion” (getting drained by social events.. needing (too much) time alone) be also changed by your method, Morty?
    I used to believe I am defected, I am an introvert and I dont fit in into the world. I tried many therapies and they helped a little but progress was EXTREMELY slow, and mostimportantly ; my belief that I’d be better if I was more social etc. was stuck, even worse than before?
    Currently my goal is to be able to enjoy social activities and to participate in social life. So I wonder… is introversion -having “quiet” energy fixed, inborn, or it can also be changed?
    I want to change it because I want to enjoy group socializing (for now I enjoy mostly one-on-one), I want to feel connected to the people, and not “outshined” by loud people!

  36. Morty,

    I wholeheartedly agree with you – Mistakes and failure are not inherently bad. As you say, it is only a meaning you ascribe to your parents’s actions in your childhood. However, just like your parents, most people in the world share this belief, and that makes it into a social reality, irrespective of its inherent falsehood. There are real-world negative consequences, whether for failing to do what your parents want or for failing to do what your boss wants, or failing to do that which society expects from you. Our society is often intolerant of mistakes, failure and incompetence. The results are often “bad” for you. Loosing a job bad for you even if you take it as a learning experience. How does it help me to disbelieve that “mistakes and failure are bad” if my boss will fire me for frequent failure to reach deadlines and stated goals??

  37. Hey Morty, thank you very much for making these programs available, I can tell they’re going to make a big difference. That being said, I have a few questions about the “I’m not good enough” program.

    Why is it that only the experiences with my parents give me my limiting beliefs? Couldn’t it have come from other kids? I was picked on a lot by bullies throughout elementary school and middle school. Couldn’t these events have contributed to my believe that I’m not good enough? They are the ones that really stick out as examples of why I don’t feel good enough – not so much anything my parents did.

    Also, what if I’ve had an experience where “I’m not good enough” is really the only meaning there could be? For example, in high school I auditioned for a musical group and didn’t make it, meaning – I literally wasn’t good enough to be accepted into the group. How can I shake this belief in these kinds of circumstances? I know that I can’t “see” the belief, but it seems pretty close. I’ve had a few other similar experiences too, being a musician.

      1. Thanks Morty, I found that article right after I posted. It actually makes pretty good sense to me. It’s just that the most memorable negative experiences are those from school and later in life.

        I liked the example you gave about your daughter thinking something’s wrong with her teacher, not with herself. It really made me realize that the beliefs instilled in us early on can completely distort our perceptions of reality.

        Looking forward to your next post!

  38. Hi Morty,
    I get it but I don’t feel or ‘know’ it. I’m the same before as after, and the next day. I’ve been round in circles reckoning so many beliefs and other ways of stating them, on long lists. (I covered all this ground previously with EFT too) Zilch. Your good book doesn’t mention the conditioning of infancy before beliefs were possible, though I can guess their nature. Unfortunately, as with some others of your fans, money is zilch too, so the cycles continue…
    ps ‘Leaning’ and other kinesiology self-tests also seem unreliable in my case so “What’s wrong with me?!?!”

    1. Hi AJW,

      There is nothing wrong with you. You, like most people, have a bunch of negative beliefs that you have to get rid of. Getting rid of one belief might feel good for the moment, but it is unlikely to result in a permanent change in your life.

      Call me Monday and let me see how I can help you. 415-884-0552.


  39. Hey Morty,

    My school is giving projects for the summer. My lecture is in psychology, and I chose to write about your work. I just want you to tell me what events in childhood, could have lead a person to form “Change is difficult”. I would really appreciate it if you tell me…..

    Thanks and regards,

  40. Sherrie K says:

    Unbelievable! People wouldn’t believe it until they tried it. Morty, I got rid of 2 limiting beliefs, “I’m not good enough” and “I’m not important”. I’m so overwhelmed, I’m at a loss for words. You’ve helped me do for myself for free in 30 minutes what others charge for their programs that take months or years to accomplish.

    As I answered the questions out loud, it was as if you were here right with me. I felt my conscious awareness soar like I’ve never felt before. I’ve been doing meditation with different programs and they’ve helped, but not like this. I also have the book, “Power vs. Force” by Dr. David Hawkins, and I can see how some of the things in that book intertwine with your program. Bless you!

    Sherrie K

  41. Hi Morty.

    My beliefs do not stem from “I’m not good enough, or I’m not important”, it’s almost the opposite.

    I have always been involved in sports and my basic belief is that the only way I can feel good about myself is to win a competition. It’s how I felt important as a child, it’s what I received recognition for and I always felt good afterwards. Now, my sport is golf. When I play by myself or just for recreation I feel fine. But in a tournament setting, I worry about not playing well or not winning, because if I don’t – I won’t feel good about myself. How do I eliminate that belief?

    1. Hi Linda,

      Whenever you have to do something to be good enough, you must have the belief I’m not good enough. If you were good enough to begin with, you wouldn’t have to do anything to get good enough.

      Then on top of the belief I’m not good enough it sounds like you also have the belief: what makes me good enough is succeeding/winning. That’s what you need to be good enough. And when you don’t win/succeed, then you feel as if you aren’t good enough.

      If you can’t eliminate those beliefs on your own, we would be happy to help you in our one-on-one phone or Skype sessions.

      Call us for more information at 415-884-0552.

      Love, Morty

  42. Hi Morthy

    None of these 3 beliefs really resonate with me – I tried to do the “I’m not good enough” one as it’s close but unless it’s the exact one, I don’t feel I can engage with the process. My biggest one is, “I can’t do it” – this is similar to I’m not good enough and Mistakes are bad but not the same!

    What do you suggest? Thanks.

    1. Hi Matt,

      We’ve found from experience that almost everyone has at least one of these three beleifs, which is why we used them.

      If none of them seem to be true for you, then we don’t have any others available for free.

      We do sell individual beliefs, which you can find at http://recreateyourlife.com/store/beliefs-list.php. Maybe one of these will resonate with you.

      Love, Morty

  43. Wow! easy, simple and right to the point.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you Morty.
    As soon as I get the money I will get your program.
    I can hardly wait to see what my life will become once I eliminate all those believes.
    What a gift to the world you’re doing.
    Thank you 🙂

  44. Thank you, Morty. I think I’ve always sort of known this information, but never really understood it until this program spelled it out for me. Thank you, thank you.

  45. GrayForest says:

    Thank you for making this process available for free. Wow. Life changing. Namaste.

  46. Thanks Morty for your insight, it fits right in with another Author I am currently reading. I have to admit the focus on parents was a bit of a stumbling block for me as my limiting beliefs centred very much on peer harassment but the overall tutorial was great.

    1. Hi Julz,

      Thanks for your interest in our work.

      Our experience directly with over 13,000 clients has shown us that self-esteem-type beliefs are always formed in childhood in interactions with our parents. See my blog post where I explain why: http://www.mortylefkoe.com/wonderful-parents/#

      Other beliefs are formed later in life as we encounter different areas of life.

      Love, Morty

  47. morty,
    i’m having problems with the analogy between the rain and the reactions of my parents. the rain is not a reaction. i was the proximate cause of my parents’ reactions. it’s easy to see that the rain has no meaning. but if you are the proximate cause of a reaction, it’s harder not to attribute meaning to them.

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