Bust A Limiting Belief

Scroll down the page to see over 1200 comments on my programs.

Here’s the link to my program to bust a limiting belief that 90% of people have.  When you break through this inner barrier you’ll find yourself more able to achieve things you’ve been unable to achieve for years.

Click here to get rid of a limiting belief for good

After you get rid of your belief, let me know what you think below.

Morty Lefkoe

1,598 thoughts on “Bust A Limiting Belief

  1. Thank you, Morty.
    I’ve always been shy, and afraid to speak in a group.
    Last week, I did just the 1st 4 beliefs, and then went to a seminar over the weekend, where
    I spoke comfortably in front of a group of 100, with a microphone, 3 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You couldn’t have paid me big bucks to do that before I worked the 1st 4 beliefs of your program.
    I’m really looking forward to working with the rest.
    Also, “Who Are You Really?” is quite eye-opening.
    I’ve done alot of “stuff” over the years, this is definitely the best.
    Thank you.
    Gratefully yours, Barbara

  2. Chris Goss says:

    You know morty that is what I thought out too but I didn’t really stop there I kept on gowing and if we tell the truth we really make all beliefs up. The first thing we overlooked at birth is that it may not even be real. ow wh

  3. Clara Ashley says:

    I am having a problem with I’m not competent. I do not remember feeling that way with my parents but instead with teachers. I am trying to change the sinerio using my teachers but it is difficult when the program is so strong. What can I do? The other beliefs so far are helping me clear and I am just stuck on this one so far.Can you help me?


  4. wow your fantastic thanks for letting me know that i am the creator of my creations POWERFUL yeah!

    also i ride the bus and sometime i want like minded people to sit beside me or if i see someone i prefer

    how do i go about that? instead of just any one flopping down next to me.

  5. Jose Magana says:


    I did your program and I do feel extremely lighter and happier through out the day. I also noticed that I have been able to release other beliefs as they come while doing other things (like working out). I noticed that you mentioned the law of attraction and had Jack Canfield on board.

    What I was wondering is what kind of feedback from people that believe and use the law of attraction?

    The reason that I ask because (I’m 28 years old) I opened a restaurant (believed and used law of attraction material – A LOT)and I can see now that the reason that it came to an end (failed) was that I had a lot of beliefs that were sabotaging me. I wasn’t aware of how much I could release.

  6. Phil Lewis says:

    Hey Morty,
    Just went through the first 11 beliefs last night. I was pretty tired afterwards so I couldn’t feel the whole effect. However, this morning as I was waking up I realized something amazing. Before I was even conscious, I started noticing there was something missing. it was like someone that I had woken up with my entire life (not someone I liked very much) just wasn’t there. As I came to I realized that it was the negative voices that accompanied me into every day up to this one. Still got 8 more beliefs and 4 conditioned responses to go. I’ll let you know how it goes.

  7. Hi Morty

    This video started out as “Nothing I do is good enough” and in the middle it switches to “I’m not capable”. Is that correct?

  8. Hi Morty,
    I wish you have included child abuse in your video. YOu know how you talk about “looking” at the event (what they said, did, etc…) and examining what you saw in it (e.g., I am not important). How do you do that in the event of physical abuse? Physical abuse is something that is “felt” by the person as pain and as an unfair forceful invasion of their boundaries…So my question is how can your program be helpful to someone who was physically (and mentally) abused.
    I would appreciate your reply, thank you, Mini
    Reply from Morty
    Hi Mini,

    Physical abuse is real and is terrible. But there is still no meaning in physical abuse, by which I mean, you can’t draw any conclusions about yourself, people or life. If you conclude: I’m bad and deserved it, that’s in your mind. If you conclude, people can’t be trusted, that’s in your mind. If you conclude Life is dangerous, that’s in your mind. At the moment of the physical abuse, it is horrible. The next moment the physical abuse is gone; what you take with you and affects you later in life is not the prior physical abuse, but the meaning you gave it at the time.
    Regards, Morty

  9. Elena Michaelson says:

    Hi Morty,

    I am experiencing real relief from those limiting beliefs! It’s much easier to maintain a positive attitude than it was before I started the course, which I know attracts more positive things into my life. I’m also happier and more able to be my humorous, loving, playful self. It’s amazing that it’s so easy too! Thank you for your wonderful work.
    If you would like even greater notoriety, send me some parenting quotes from your course. I am doing a volunteer project for “10,000 Clicks for Peace,” collecting helpful and inspiring parenting quotes for them to post on their website. They can only be 135 characters long, including your full name, quote marks and spaces. If you need more information about the project, I will send it.

    Also, do you still train and certify people to use your method with clients? I know you have the computer program now, but some people might still prefer to work one-on-one.

    Thanks again!

    Elena Michaelson

  10. Thank you Morty,
    Such depth from something so simple and elegant.
    Slightly concerned to see the content from the box appear in the title box. I don’t mind sharing them but would rather know.

    Thanks again for sharing this material. It has really helped.

  11. Hello,
    I am pleasnantly surprised that this could help after literally, a few minutes, when I have been affected by my feelings for almost an entire lifetime. I listened twice , the second time worked for me, I think I was too skeptical the first time throguh. Am still digesting my thoughts.
    Blessings to Eric, comment 31, perhaps if you took a few deep breathes and tried again…. with an open mind?

  12. I can feel the difference on feelings about the statement of the belief at the end of the session but I still think isn’t it true that we also do things by habit? many times not really thinking of what we are doing?. How my attitud of event interpretation will change differently from what I am used to think (give meaning)to new things or events?

  13. Jan Olson says:

    No one who knows me would ever have suspected how little self confidence I have dealt with most of my life.
    Perhaps as a very young child they might have and yet I doubt it.
    As a leader in my community I always portrayed confidence. Underneath I felt like a faker.
    I have cried through 2 beliefs and had an epiphany in a third.
    I’ve only got to belief 9!


  14. Hi Morty,

    Thanks so much. I did ‘I’m not good enough’ and find myself rid of any work related trepidation. I now see that the people who seriously said that about me were doubting themselves, and have proven themselves inferior. Perhaps I should send them your program.

  15. Great stuff! However, toward the end of the ‘Eliminate I’m Not Capable’ session we are invited to click on ‘Who Am I Really?’ I could not find that anywhere on the page. Can you help please?

  16. Hi
    This is some refreshing new stuff! I have done all 4 exercises and I feel so much better, more happy and light. I would love to share this program with my friends, but somehow the system will not accept the email-addresses. Any help?

  17. Jeremiah Johnson says:

    Very helpful in underestanding the formation of a Belief and how to eliminate it while creating life with an opposite Belief that is empowering.

  18. Hi Morty,
    I wanted to let you know my feedback from the removal of “I’m not capable”, which I did Friday afternoon before leaving the office. When I awoke Saturday morning, I realized I “forgot” to put on my wrist braces Friday evening and my wrists didn’t hurt! When I awoke this morning (Monday), I again awoke without my wrist supports on, and my wrists feel fine (and I seem to have regained muscle/strength in my fingers since I did the “I’m not good enough” the previous week).

    The reason this is memorable is I was diagnosed with what my Dr called “early carpal tunnel syndrome” in March 2006 — before that and since, my wrists were in pain and I got relief from wearing wrist braces while sleeping — if I didn’t wear the braces while sleeping, I would awake many times in the night in agony from wrist pain, and my wrists would twinge during the day. For some reason, I did not want to even think of having the surgery at the time of diagnosis.

    This is so totally cool! Thank you for your work! I’m definitely going to go for the 19 beliefs removal and will take you up on the money beliefs removal, too.

  19. thanks for the great experience – i need to do some more work on lots of limiting beliefs – and go thru the process again. It is very helpful. thanks!

  20. Thanks Morty,you’re method of releasing disempowering beliefs really does the trick.Hope to learn more. Thanks again

  21. Christine says:

    Hi Monty, I have done the second belif tonight about I’m not important. It has opened up another world for me now and it seems I really got even more how I create my life. I feel calmer since my 1st belief is gone (yesterday) and just basically feel good. Thank you again very much.

  22. Morty:
    Your program is phenomenal. I now get the difference between being a creator and being the creation! Amazing how quickly I picked up on it and how I now see my life in a totally different way. The power and joy that comes with being a creator without giving meaning is life-changing.

    Thank you so much. Looking forward to receiving the full program of eliminating all limiting beliefs.


  23. I couldn’t vote above because I don’t believe any of those things. I did’t really believe I’m no good when I did your first program. The experience was valuable to me, because it put me more deeply in touch with a couple of good parts of myself that showed up when I was remembering my parents.
    I felt I was no good when I did things that hurt my Dad, and that part of me, that I call Golden Mocassins because she was born with the Golden Rule in her heart and tries to walk in the mocassins of others, is good! All my parts, even the one who thinks she’s the center of the universe, are good.
    I still have beliefs that limit me, and am working on them. Whether I would pay you to help me work on them is still a question.

  24. Thank you so much. Great information. Took me far back to where I didn’t even acknoledge I could remember. Seems so logical. Today I’m amazed. Lets see if tomorrow I see any difference in my actions. Thanks again for sharing this. It has definately made a difference in how I percieve things.

  25. you do not positivly reinforce the corrected released diminsihing belief so i feel you method is incomplete and needs work

  26. Christine says:

    I cannot believe the impact of this video. I have spent weekend seminars to acheive the feeling of everything is possible and to remember who I am really. I am profoundly grateful for this enormous generosity from your part and wish this education would be in lives of all people from day 1.

    Thank you very very much.

  27. Thank you, Morty, for sharing this approach.


  28. I just finished all the videos I’ve been sent and I had to write again. This site is amazing. Not only are you giving life defining guidance and distinctions that change us in minutes, you are doing so at no cost. How incredibly giving and blessed you are, and we as well. I have to say I cannot get them fast enough. I have heard these distinctions before, the process of eliminating them has been varied… some taking long periods of time to achieve. It is not that I don’t know this information so much as that it is a powerful reminder with a strategy that is unique, permanently changing and instantaneous. I want them all yesterday… can’t get enough and can’t wait to feel what I will feel after the final one. Time has a way of making you forget some of these understandings but the strategy to eliminate the beliefs will never leave my memory again. Thank you so much for reminding me of who I am and how resourceful I am unto myself.

  29. I am interest in the $199 ”ReCreate Your Life” but I would have to know what the 19 beliefs are that are eliminated before I pay. I need to know if the 19 beliefs are applicable to me before I pay the $199 fee.

    Thank you,

    James Hanratty

  30. Good ol Morty! Genius.. xj.

  31. I have being doing all what you say, but it doesn’t show on the “screen below” the possibility to “click continue”.
    Thanking in advance for any help.

  32. I thought this was great. I didn’t believe it could possibly work but it did. I had never really looked at my early childhood, assuming that what’s past is done and overwith. I had no idea that things that happened were holding me back today. I instantly saw how ridiculous my parents’ attitudes and behavior was back then, looking at it from an adult perspective.

  33. I do have a question. Is it not possible that the belief was created by an experience, usually in the first seven years? And from that moment on, I continually re-create similar experiences, if, for no other reason than to tell me I have a belief that needs to be healed? To me it’s like a thunderstorm popping up! When the right energy and elements (warm front, cold front, moisture) are present, there’s almost no way it cannot happen. Yet it’s completely outside my awareness, leaving me with this “how in the world did that happen? mentality. I would think the ultimate reason for healing these beliefs is that the false beliefs we created seem to separate us from our real nature, an amazing inner concern capable of just about anything. By healing the belief, we heal the confusion, which like a fog, lifts off so we can see our direction more clearly. I hope that makes sense, because it sure does to me. Thanks again!

  34. Hi Morty,

    When I started the “I’m not good enough” process, thinking about the events that I gave meaning to, I was in tears. Now I now that the events had no meaning except what I gave them. I realize that I determine my beliefs, not the events. I have studied other programs, but this 30-minute process did more than the others put together. It is so simple yet to profound.


  35. Beautifully done Morty – I was actually surprised by what showed up for me and feel very clear since having gone through your process. You helped to add another level of understanding to the whole reason we are born into the world of ‘relationships’! Especially the relationship with ourselves.

  36. Morty,
    I’m speechless, which is highly unusual for me. I’ve been involved in personal development and self-understanding for 37 years. In 1985 I had a profound experience where a simple thought came to my mind from a source beyond myself, “your experiences confirm your beliefs.” As the creator of my beliefs, I create my experiences. This technique and concept are so simple, yet so powerful.
    Thank you for sharing. I sincerely appreciate the help you’ve offered. I see so many experiences differently. I went back to a troubling moment and used the technique of offering an alternative view to the energy stuck in a belief and literally healed myself of some powerful anger…that I barely knew I had. That same belief was my excuse for leaving an important job I had in my younger days. Finally I understand. Thanks again! This is Awesome with a capital A. I am recommending you to others who share similar interests. I feel much lighter, happier and joyful. I get a key word for the day everyday. My key word for today was transformation! I had no idea I’d find this tonight! Thanks Marci Shimoff! Awesome!
    Will Hamilton

  37. Hi Morty and Shelly,

    Greetings from San Rafael. I’m on the third of the free programs (I’m not capable) and think they’re great, but I have a question: how often is a limiting belief the result of an experience or experiences in early childhood that don’t necessarily involve the parents? I say this because I can dredge up plenty of formative “negative” experiences from early childhood, but at best 50% of them involve my parents and in the case of “I’m not capable”, everything I can think of involves another adult authority figure other than them or experiences with other kids when Mom and Dad weren’t around. I have pulled up a few with my parents that seem like they should be significant, but they just don’t have any emotional charge to them.


    Reply from Morty

    Hi Ben,

    Our experience with thousands of clients eliminating tens of thousands of beliefs is that self-esteem beliefs are almost always the result of interactions with our parents and others who might be primary caretakers if both parents work. Obviously there can be exceptions, but rarely.

    You say that the events involving your parents don’t have an emotional charge. That’s fine; they don’t have to. What’s important is that you have the clear sense that the events (not one, but a pattern of events) are the source of the belief.

    Events involving others are usually later in life (after ages 5-6) after the beliefs already were formed at home with parents.

    Regards, Morty

  38. Arbie Viau says:

    Your program really helps. Do you have a program for getting rid of anger issues?
    Reply from Morty

    Hi Arbie,

    There is no computer program that gets rid of anger issues but we have helped many clients get rid of their anger problems in phone sessions.

    If you would like to find out more about them, please call us at 415-884-0552.

    Regards, Morty

  39. Hi Morty,

    Thanks for the above belief programmes, I’ve found them to be
    inspiring but not 100% sure if they’ve worked on me.

    What I really want to know is if you use the same method
    for adults who have had childhood abuse wether sexual & physical?

    Reason being is that the section where it refers to a “meaning” of
    a belief I’m finding difficult to grasp due of the nature of my childhood.
    Many Thanks,
    Reply from Morty

    Hi Marcia,

    Yes, we have used The Lefkoe Method with many people who have had sexual and other physical abuse as a child. And what does that “mean” about you? You’re bad? Worthless? No good? Those are all meanings you are giving to events.

    Moreover, you never “saw” anything about “people” or “life.” You only saw a few people do something to you at a particular time in your life when you had no ability to defend yourself. Any conclusion you reach about all people, or all men, or about life in general is meaning you are adding tot he situation.

    I don’t mean to make light of the horrible experiences you had, but the meanings are still yours and can be eliminated just like any meaning that was based on any experience.

    Regards, Morty

  40. Thanks, Morty! I can feel the change at the cellular level and it’s amazing!!!! Who knew that it would be that easy to correct the programming of my youth? My parents tried their best, but could only do as well as they could, given that their parents were no great shakes either-they eliminated a lot of the baggage and didn’t inflict it on our childhood, so we got off fairly lucky. Can’t expect them to get rid of it all without any training. In response to the comment from the person who felt they had to shut this down as it was too long-holy cow!!! It corrects in less than an hour and you feel that’s too long?!?!?! Try a psychiatrists’ couch for a few years! I’ve heard of instant gratification, but man! This is ridiculous!!!! Do you only microwave your food as you can’t wait for it to cook?!?! You didn’t even give it a fair shake…why are you so resistant to it?

  41. after listening to this person drone on and on for about 20 minutes about nothing i turned off this ridiculous program. FOR CHRISSAKE JUST SAY WHAT IT IS YOU WANT TO SAY!!! yes everybody knows that as kids we took at face value a lot of comments our parents said…do you need to spend
    20 minutes to say what I said in one sentence!!!

  42. I now realize that my parents, because they didn’t realize what they were doing, helped me to believe that I wasn’t capable. I know now that I am and will become more capable as my belief in myself grows.

  43. Hi Morty. Just finished going through “I’m not capable.” Going back to childhood, and manipulation by an alcoholic father who kept saying things like “You’re useless, no good, never amount to anything….” made me realise that he was projecting how he was actually feeling onto me. Being a kid, however, I took his criticisms as ‘gospel’, and thus these comments became self-fulfilling. I felt I had to work harder than anyone else, but had to settle for less, because I was ‘worth’ less. Now, after half a century, I am feeling free from the conviction that I am not capable – as much because I was doing my father’s work (farmer) when I was 12 because he was not capable. I am actually more capable than most people! Now I can do the things that I was afraid were beyond me. Thank you very much.

  44. Technical question! I am trying to play the ‘I’m not capable’ vid and it just says ‘buffering’ but nothing else, how can I access the program?
    Thanks very much

  45. Loved the video on eliminating beliefs and distinguishing the creator from the interpretation. Where is the video that addresses what to do with other’s disapproval or when they ignore you (mirror mom’s silent disapproval). My real message is I don’t matter. I keep creating people not responding to me AND when I do dare to share what I really think without censoring – I really get slammed or interpret that I got slammed and the ensuing feelings overwhelm me. I imagine that I’m “supposed” to cooperate by finding ways to say what I want while taking into account another’s feelings. I want the freedom to say what I feel and not get punished or rejected for it. To matter enough to be responded to but not in the form of being rejected or ignored.

    How do I create the outcome I want and still say what I want uncensored? Do I have a responsibility to HOW I say what I want tho’ uncensored. When I’ve really expressed my feelings and thoughts without concern, I get slammed one way or another and pay many prices.

  46. Kate Harper says:

    Hi, I found it very helpful although I could not actually find any words that I could recall my parents saying anything that I read as being “Im not capable” I was able to visual various scenes that popped up that gave me an uncomfortable feelings. Telling myself out loud that “I was not capable” actually I then saw as my interpretation of what my parents either said or did to me. The feeling totally disappeared and I feel very capable because that is my belief system now. many thanks for your input

  47. I am having difficulty shifting anything of real concern to my parents although as a parent I can see where I have done this to my kids.
    Every time the question is asked the repeated reference to my parents is off-putting.I think that I formed a lot of my opinions by not achieving as well as others in school, sport, church or family. I also feel that this limiting factor could stem from the first belief I set out to eliminate.
    Reply from Morty

    Hi Ron,

    Our experience with literally thousands of clients, who have eliminated tens of thousands of beliefs, is that the source of our self-esteem-type beliefs is our interactions with our parents in the first six years of life. If you have working parents and full-time caregivers (like grandparents), then clearly some of your beliefs would come from your interactions with them. But we almost always have formed our basic conclusions about ourselves and life by the time we get to school at 5 years old.

    Regards, Morty

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