Since offering people the opportunity to choose exactly which problem they’d like to have solved on my website
I’ve been wondering if there was something else I could offer that would let you live the life you’ve always wanted.
To find out I thought I’d just ask you the question and have you leave your answer on my blog:
“What else would you like to change about your life?”
And you know what, it can be anything at all. Just make sure it’s something you really want to change because I’m going to take your feedback and use it to create new programs in the future.
Examples could be fear of anger or confrontation, experiencing and expressing uncontrolled anger, and specific relationship issues.
You often do get what you wish for… so think BIG.
Just leave a comment below (to remain anonymous just give your name as “anonymous.”
I have deeply rooted emotional instability and I don’t cut myself too many breaks for it. Your program really works for me so I am happy to keep moving forward with it. Thank you for your time, work, and patience. I believe I can be in balance with that at some point in my life but my confidence level can be low and my self-esteem too. I guess I didn’t feel very nurtured when I was growing up from my parents, either one of them. They always seemed wrapped up in their worlds so much that on an emotional level I didn’t get what I needed. Actually a lot of the time I felt nothing at all no support emotionally or hurt by them because they would not feel things that I wanted them to feel about me or other people or other things in life.
Hi Erin,
I’m not sure what program you are currently using, but our Natural Confidence program will help raise your level of confidence and self-esteem.
Check it out at
Love, Morty
Forgiveness – the ability to get over the pain, allow forgiveness, move on.
I would like to wake up to a green environment, with trees and birds singing. Not these concrete walls all around me. I would like to see nature and smell fresh air. I would like to take care of my body even better than now and stop procrastinating my life away. Everytime I move forward or get what I want, I procrastinate. I create something or something is thrown at me and I am like “what?” NOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo and I create chaos and disorder out of my fear that I won’t get it, won’t have it, that it won’t stay so I destroy it before it is gone. I never move far like this 😉 So , its never too late and all these barriers to claim my power seems like I am too much work to even start. One thing gets cleared but it is one piece of a whole big walll so I am like tired already when I think about the work that I need done on me. I need divine intervention to clear and heal and deal with my issues
I would love to be more successful, more out there, working on my book, my papers and doing my research, I would like to sleep early and wake up in the morning excited about my day. I would like to have a couple of more clients or see the clients more often to make up for the expenses I am really excited on spending my cash. I would like to have a happening relationship with someone who just excites me to the bone. I would like to heal and deal with my shame and I would like to step into my most feared parts and own my power and do what I see others doing such as working, writing, guiding people and moving forward in life, love and living!!!THANK YOU V ERY MUCH
You know guys please understand that the root cause of “feeling ugly” and bad…is SHAME and GUILT all programmed within our unconscious mind, we need to heal this! now and as soon as possible, its the deepest darkest part.
I would like to change my current life. I have no job and no relationship and think to myself what is going on? I started sleeping later and later, waking up later. . .I am sad that my life is turning this way. All I do is study and help other break through but I am in a place where I cannot make any descisions. . .I am moving back to Europe from the US. . .not making enough money and depending on others to support me. I hate living like this. I hate it…but how to change this situation for the better? I don’t like needy. I can do it myself, I just have not been able to for 4 years now to support me!
After helping over 13,000 people directly, we’ve learned that all the issues you describe and a lot more are the result of negative beliefs. When they are eliminated, the problems disappear also. Shame and guilt are not “programmed” in our unconscious mind; they result from specific beliefs.
If you have not already used our free belief-elimination program to eliminate the three most common negative beliefs, please use it at: You might have additional beliefs to be eliminated,but that would be a start.
The Natural Confidence program helps you eliminate 19 of the most destructive beliefs and will have a profound impact on your life. For more information about it please go to
It is possible to totally transform the quality of your life. I know: I did it.
Well, I want to stop being so amazingly lazy and become much more productive in every aspect of life.
Hi Vladislav,
Laziness is a type of procrastination, which is clearly the result of beliefs. Get rid of the beliefs that cause the laziness, and it will disappear. It has for a lot of others.
Check out out Natural Confidence program that will help you eliminate all the beliefs that cause procrastination:
Let me know if you have any further questions.
I wasnt able to complete at that time. i would liketo have been able to go back in and finish.
Hi Sue,
Did you ever go back and complete the belief-elimination program. It really does work to permanently eliminate beliefs you’ve lived with for a lifetime.
If you didn’t complete it, go back to and let me know what you think of the program after eliminating a beleif.
Love, Morty
Hey Morty
id like to believe that my choices matter. i have this belief that no motter what I choose it will all be wrong.
Hi Andy,
That one belief can lead to a lot of unhappiness and sabotage you from taking action.
Get rid of the belief and watch the shift in your life. For information on how you can do that, please call us at 415-884-0552.
Thanks for taking the time to comment.
Love, Morty
Thank you so much for the work you do! I am happy that I have this opportunity to change my life.
For the past months I’ve been feeling very low-spirited. I constantly feel like I am a bad human being, although I’ve never tried to hurt somebody intentionally. Feeling bad about myself is now like a key element to my identity, and this makes me feel guilty. My friends tell me that I am very kind and helpful, but I can’t let go of my past mistakes and failures, although I’ve just turned 18.
Hi Mary Alim,
The state you are describing is caused by a bunch of negative beleifs about yourself. You can eliminate them permanently and dramatically change your experience of yourself.
For information, please go to
Love, Morty
Despite free belief eliminator I don’t know how to tell if this belief has been eliminated. I would like more information about how to eliminate core limiting beliefs
Hi Todd,
The way to know if a belief has been eliminated is to say the words of the belief. If there is any charge, if the words feel true or uncomfortable, you probably hold the belief. If the words feel neutral or even silly, then the belief has been eliminated.
To find out how to eliminate 19 of the most common negative beliefs that sabotage our lives, please go to
If you have additional questions, please call us at 415-884-0552.
Dear Morty
What would greatly assist me is how to attain the money required to pay for all these courses and seminars which is meant to improve one’s life.
Working and saving up has not worked for me I always run out of money after paying for the education and never get results.
I look forward to your reply.
Hi Vera,
Sorry this reply is so late. I just saw your post.
Sorry to hear that most of what you’ve tried in the past hasn’t worked for you.
Try eliminating three beliefs on our free belief-elimination site. Then you can purchase our program that enables you to eliminate the 19 most common limiting beliefs for only $70 a month for three months. It is unconditionally guaranteed. For details go to
Love, Morty
m ugly and Im scared… Two general inhibitors
I’d like something specific regarding self image/appearance when it comes to accepting what I look like.
I’ve done the natural confidence and eliminated heaps of other beliefs but still have feelings come up that I can’t accept what I look like. I possibly haven’t found the core beliefs surrounding this challenge though!?
Could this be a conditioning? as in can you have a conditioning surrounding how you see your physical appearance? or is it that I haven’t eliminated all the beliefs that make me feel unattractive
Thanks so much for changing my life!
“What else would you like to change about your life?”
Is is possible to remove the belief, “life is difficult”?
I would very much like to see the other side of the coin on this issue as myself and most others i meet seem to unconsciously attribute this to life in general.
Also, “financial success is difficult/laborious/requires unreasonable amounts of time or hard work” is something I’m beginning to question the validity of. If this is a false belief, I’d like to see it GONE forever in my life and many others.
Hi Jessie,
Thanks for your interest in our work.
Life is difficult is a very common belief and, yes, it is possible to eliminate it in just a few minutes. Money/abundance beleifs also can be easily eliminated.
For information and/or to make an appointment with one of our Certified Lefkoe Method Facilitators call us at 415-884-0552.
Love, Morty
Fear of confrontation, anger and uncontrolled anger. Feel like having to become defensive when critisized.
Hi Luis,
All beliefs about anger and confrontation can be easily eliminated. For more information and/or to make an appointment with a Certified Lefkoe Method Facilitator to eliminate those beliefs, please call us at 4156-884-0552.
Love, Morty
Dear Sir,
“What else would you like to change about your life?”
Change is the spice of life. Life is a dynamic. There has to be a positive change i.e. improvement in different facets of life. A change which may take us to where we were is retrograde or static life. A static life leads us to nowhere. It is a life without purpose and however it goes on. This type of life though is livable yet without any verve in life. There is a certain degree of stillness in all aspects of life’s activities.
Now that change is always a welcome but what change is required is a moot point. I would require the following changes:-
Spiritual change. I have reached to age bracket where it is a must to have spiritual uplifting. Just how to connect with my Lord. I am of the view that it could be done with right attitude and right behavior pattern, etc.
Yours truly
Harbans Khajuria
I would like to get rid of defensiveness when feeling criticised, even when the criticism is well meaning. Thank you
Hi Margaret,
Defensiveness is the result of beliefs and conditioning, both of which can be easily eliminated. We have helped thousands with this problem.
For more information please call us at 415-884-0552.
Love, Morty
What i would like more input on is what are and how to eliminate the beliefs that prevent us from having committed, joyful romantic relationship.
thanks a ton for all your help!
Hi Anu,
There could be as many as 20+ beliefs depending on what type of problem you have with relationships, e.g., getting angry, fear of anger, fear of commitment, feeling unlovable, etc.
Also, we have an eight week digital course that teaches people how to eliminate beleifs, but I am unable to tell you in a short email. It is easy to learn how, but it takes training. For information about the course, check out
We also have private phone and Skype sessions where we have helped many people identify and eliminate the beliefs that cause relationship problems. Many have found spouses after working with us. For more information call us at 415-884-0552.
Love, Morty
Dear Morty,
My biggest problem is having enough time to get everything done. I have retired in 2010 and am busier than ever, especially with all the seminars offered lately and I am in the process of finishing building a house 250 miles from my current house. So time management of some kind or taking the pressure off of time sensitive activities. I haven’t had time to read all of your emails. Maybe I am over involved in too many things……. I did do one of your release the belief programs and on your interview your host said she did all 3 – I was wondering if we were to do more than one – I have adult ADD and sometimes get confused. I usually compensate well if not too overwhelmed. Maybe overwhelm could be a topic for you.
Thanks, Laura
Hi Laura,
You weren’t supposed to eliminate three; it was just possible to eliminate three by giving three different email addresses.
If you believe you can’t get it all done, you won’t find time. If you believe you can, then you will find ways to prioritize, delegate, etc. that you wouldn’t have found otherwise.
Love, Morty
I would like to really feel good about who I am and stop seeking everyone’s approval. I am always in search of that gold star, and the pat on the back. I need to feel good enough about myself when I don’t get recognition from other people.
Hi Ashlee,
The need for the approval of others is usually caused by several beliefs, especially: what makes me good enough and important is having people think well of me. Our Natural Confidence digital program helps you eliminate that belief and all the others that cause people to worry about what others think.
For more information about this program, please check out
Love, Morty
I would like to eliminate beliefs that make me afraid of anger. also beliefs regarding jealousy in relationships. I would also like to work on more survival strategy beliefs that are created from not feeling good enough and important. I know there is one survival strategy belief in the NC program. But I think there are more that are very common
Hi Jen,
Actually there are two in the Natural Confidence program.
The only way to work on others is with a personal session with one of our Certified Lefkoe Method Facilitators. They could help you identify which survival strategy beliefs you have and then help you eliminate them.
For more information please call us at 415-884-0552.
Love, Morty
Thank you for the opportunity to share our thoughts with you ..
I would like to remove the resistance that keeps me from the most divine
relationship I have ever known.. I would like to marry
Hi Bonnie,
Thanks for the comment.
We don’t have a specific program to eliminate the beliefs that sabotage relationships. But we have certified Lefkoe Method Facilitators who can help you eliminate those limiting beliefs in phone or Skype sessions.
For information please call us at 415-884-0552.
Love, Morty
Hi Morty! Thank you for your great work! I’d like to change my hidden beliefs than keep me from having success in my business.
Thank you for your great work!
I’d like to clear my hidden beliefs that keep me from having succsess.
Hi Renate,
You can eliminate a few beliefs without charge at If you want to eliminate the 19 most common beleifs that keep people from taking action to achieve success, check out our Natural Confidence program at
Up in health, and start receiving good Money from my business and investment connections.
Hi Morty.
First of all, thanks for your great work, I am a great admire.
My wish would be to find a way, to not be afraid of beeing killed. I have a childhood with violent sexual abuse. And of cource I can see that I think of myself as a victim (I would love not to). To day I am perfectly save.
But it only takes an unexpected sound, or a movement, and I think I am in a great danger.
Love and thanks Anneli
Hi Anneli,
The problem you mention is a common one that we have helped people with many times. The source of your fear is beliefs and conditionings. When they are both eliminated, your fear will be gone.
If you’d like more information about private one-to-one sessions with our certified facilitators on the phone or Skype, please call us at 415-884-0552.
Feel my self worth.
Hi Monique,
Feeling a lack of self-worth is almost totally the result of negative beleifs, such as I’m not good enough, I’m not important, I’m not worthy, and I’m unlovable.
Get rid of those beliefs and your sense of self-worth will increase.
We have a program that will help you get rid of many of those negative beleifs. Check it out at
Let me know how you feel after eliminating the beleifs.
Love, Morty
My problem is I feel like I am not indepdent because I still live with my parents. I don’t know what it is that is keeping me here. I can’t seem to get an income and my parents are very conservative and over-protective of me. I am in my early 20s. Please help!
Hi Doka,
I can’t be sure without talking to you, but it sounds like you are afraid of being alone in the world, being able to make it on your own. As if you need someone to take care of you.
The source of that type of fear is beliefs, which can easily be eliminated.
If you’d like more information about working with one of our certified facilitators on the phone or Skype, please call us at 415-884-0552.
Love, Morty
What do I want to change?
There are a lot of things. One in particular, is my tendency to be inattentive to my environment. As a lone night clerk at a gas station, it’s a job and safety prerequisite, but every time I try to force myself I end up with symptoms that sound like PTSD: Jumpy, nervous, everybody seems like an enemy, actually threatening people that aren’t there.
It ac seems better to just be a “sheep” and hope for the best, than to go off the deep end trying to be responsible for my own safety.
Of course, I still tend to think that I could divine the necessary beliefs myself and delete them.
Hi James,
You might have PTSD, but it is just as likely that you have beleifs and conditioning that are responsible. And your beleifs are then responsible for you giving a negative meaning to your nightly situation.
I’m sure that eliminating the right beleifs anbd learning how to stop giving meaning to meaningless events would stop your anxiety.
Love, Morty
Hi Morty,
Money is my issue. I feel that I have a block and its just not coming to me. Actually at the moment I am going backwards which started 18 months ago and I have never been in this situation.
Hi Michele,
Although getting rid of limiting beliefs will not guarantee that you will accumulate money, it certainly will help.
Get rid of the beliefs that keep you from taking action. Get rid of the beliefs that have you think money is hard to get or that you don’t deserve it.
My wish would be to have better comunication in our marriage and less yelling and bring up past mistakes over and over again. I would love to purchase the tape but i am not allowed to spend any money because i am on sick leave and not being able to hep my stiuation breasks my heart, i find myself feeling lonely and depress.
I have PTSD and would like to eliminate the PTSD and the jumpiness that comes with it and also I want to stop trusting the wrong people and stop trying to help people who really just want to use others.
J am getting stronger and better in these areas – time has helped, EMDR has helped,and the Lefkoe Method that I have tried has helped too. I would just like to move beyond all of this baggage and be healthy.
Hi Rebecca,
I think PTSD is caused both by beliefs and conditionings. I’m not sure how you have used The Lefkoe Method so far, but I would recommend a session with a certified Lefkoe Method Facilitator on the phone or Skype. That way we could identify all the relevant beliefs and conditionings and help you eliminate them.
Call us for more information at 415-884-0552.
Love, Morty
I am fairly successful and peaceful dealing with frustration but would like to know what might be your recomendations to see if there are other things I may not have considered before. I’m unemployed and about to be done with UE checks soon and I have adult children that rely on Dad for guidance in their struggles also. It’s been tough sometimes but with lack of work available in the construction field coupled with the likelihood of no income at all soon represents evea new level of frustration to deal with
I would like to not be a victim in relationships. I would like to create and maintain clear boundaries. I would like to be able to clearly articulate myself in difficult conversations with out clamming up and not being able to express my feelings. I would like to stand up for myself around pushy people. I would like to not feel that lump in my throat when I have to say something in difficult conversations. If you have a program that address this, please let me know.
Hi RTachel,
I just saw your message. Sorry it has taken me so long to answer.
Yes, we do have a program that should help. You can get information about it at
If you have any additional questions, call us at 415-884-0552.
Morty: Thank you for your deep sinserity.
Dealing with rejection and failure in relationships as a way to grow up instead of a way to become fearful of enjoying healthy relationships.
Hi Vero,
You asked how to deal with rejection and failure in relationships. Those problems are caused primarily by beliefs. Some are self-esteem beliefs, such as I’m not loveable and I’m not good enough, and some are beliefs about relationships and the opposite sex, such as relationships don’t work and men/women can’t be trusted.
The only way to know specifically what beliefs you have that are causing your specific problem is to have a session with you and ask you some questions. I’m sure we could help you identify and eliminate the beliefs, thereby significantly improving your relationships.
If you are interested please call us at 415-884-0552.
Love, Morty
hi morty . … i dont know how to say NO to others
Hi Deepika,
There could be several beliefs that cause the inability to say no.
Some possible beliefs include: What makes me good enough and important is having others think well of me. Conflict is dangerous. Anger is dangerous.
If you identify the exact beleifs and get rid of them, the problem is disappear.
What else would you like to change about your life?
to be one of the greatest actors of all time.
realize great films and great performances to emotionate humanity.
Hi Morty!
I am 48 not a bad looking guy and I have a bubbly personality. How ever I really want to be independent and be able to look after myself without my family’s help. I try and to become independent especially financially. I still live with my sister who is older than me. I have been married but always seem to go back to my older sister who brought me up after my mom died when I was eleven. For once I would like to get my life on track and just be like normal men with family’s supporting them.
Kind Regards
Hi Wayne,
It’s hard to determine what beliefs might be responsible for your situation. You could have a bunch of negative self-esteem beliefs and/or limiting beliefs about money.
But I have seen many people describe their lives as you have who totally turned their lives round when they eliminated all the relevant beliefs.
Call if you still have questions at 415-884-0552.
I would like to learn how to let go of things/issues/problems. No matter how hard I try, I seem to be completely unable to do that.
Hi Susie,
The inability to let go of things is primarily the result of beliefs, like most other issues in our lives.
Get rid of the appropriate beliefs, and the problem will disappear.
Happy holidays.
Hi Morty
I have done your Natural Confidence program and still these questions remain:-
1. What is my life’s purpose? What am I so passionate about that I would work on/with this for no income?
2. Why can I not break these walls around giving and receiving love?
Hi Karen,
Re: your passion, I suggest The Passion Test, by Janet and Chris Attwood. There are some exercises in that book that ought to help you discover your passion.
The walls around giving and receiving love are beliefs, such as I’m unlovable, if I express love I’ll get hurt, I’m not deserving, etc. Get rid of the beliefs and the problem will disappear.
Happy holidays.
Love, Morty
So many things. How to make the BIG decision in life. I spend so much time worrying about the impact on others and fear of confrontation that I forget myself and my dreams. Is it selfish to put oneself first??? I never have!
Hi Janet,
It isn’t selfish to put yourself first, but it sounds as if you believe that is true.
Your concern with the opinions of others and your fear of confrontation are determining your behavior, not what makes sense to do.
Worrying about others and a fear of confrontation are the result of beleifs and conditioning. When you eliminate the beleifs and de-condition the conditionings, both of these problems will disappear for you as they have for thousands of others.
Check out
Happy holidays.
Iwant to control my rapid anger
Hi Hoda,
Anger is usually the result of beleifs like: What makes me good enough and important is having everything be exactly the way I want them to be. Then, when people don’t do what you want them to do, you start to feel bad about yourself and you get angry at whoever is making you feel that.
Underneath angry is almost always a sense of powerlessness and the belief, I’m powerless.
After working with over 13,000 clients we’ve found that angry can always be stopped by eliminating the beliefs that cause it.
If you’d like more information about how we help people eliminate beliefs in phone and Skype sessions, please call us at 415-884-0552.
Love, Morty
It would be cool to do something on how to remain positive and forward moving after the time of transformation. It’s important to sustain the positive momentum from the liberating experience you gave us.
i want to get rid of my social phobia,it really ruins my life
can someone help me please ?
Hi Sarah,
We have created a program that eliminates 19 beliefs and 4 conditionings that is designed to increase confidence and eliminate social anxiety or social phobia.
There is a guarantee if for some reason it doesn’t work for you.
Check it out at
Let me know how it works for you.
Hi Morty,
For me it all boils down to one thing, maybe for all of us to achieve anything we want to. That is what I am mainly concentrating on. It is how to truly love, value and support myself so that there is no negativity or self sabotage creeping into my positive thinking as I harness all of the learning and positive activity which has recently been shown to me. There is only one set of truths and Universal laws, and it’s about going with [not against] them, understanding the power is within ourselves and that while the Unconscious resists change, it can be trained to accept new thoughts and beliefs as the norm. How? By keeping on until it becomes the norm, and new positive neural pathways become the default setting.
Hi Margaret,
Thanks for taking the time to post.
I disagree with one point you made: the unconscious resists change. We only resist change given the beliefs we currently have. When our limiting beliefs are eliminated, change actually becomes very easy. For more details see a blog post I wrote about this.
Love, Morty
Today, I was feeling pretty upset. I felt lonely. I haven’t felt much of this after doing the free videos here and eliminating some of the beliefs on my own. The trigger for today is that I’ve been missing my dear friend for quite some time. He almost never initiate any conversation with me, it’s always me. And when I see how he happily interacts with his friends, I felt forgotten.
Since a long time, no matter how many friends I have, I still have a sense of loneliness. I don’t feel a sense of closeness to my friends. The first few beliefs today which jump out when I’m upset are: “No one cares about me” and “No one loves me”. I have started writing a list of 50-60 negative beliefs which are associated with me being lonely. But those two I felt the most.
Even though I know my parents love me, I often feel they don’t. This fear of abandon also causes the attachment issues I previously pointed out.
I think this two beliefs would be great for your next program. For some, they cause a sense of being unwanted/abandoned/depressed. For others, it may form possible suicidal thoughts.
Hi Yong Kang,
Thanks for the suggestion.
We may create new programs to eliminate a package of beliefs in the future but we are now in the process of training people how to eliminate beliefs on their own. So if people find beliefs that are not on any of the programs, they can eliminate them on their own.