What would you like to change about your life?

Since offering people the opportunity to choose exactly which problem they’d like to have solved on my website


I’ve been wondering if there was something else I could offer that would let you live the life you’ve always wanted.

To find out I thought I’d just ask you the question and have you leave your answer on my blog:

“What else would you like to change about your life?”

And you know what, it can be anything at all.  Just make sure it’s something you really want to change because I’m going to take your feedback and use it to create new programs in the future.

Examples could be fear of anger or confrontation, experiencing and expressing uncontrolled anger, and specific relationship issues.

You often do get what you wish for… so think BIG.

Just leave a comment below (to remain anonymous just give your name as “anonymous.”

623 thoughts on “What would you like to change about your life?

  1. I’d like to eliminate the belief that being overweight keeps me safe.

    1. Morty Lefkoe says:

      Hi Anita,

      We can easily help you eliminate that belief if you call us at 415-884-0552.

      However weight and eating problems usually have a number of additional beliefs and conditionings. To get my free eBook on the causes and cure for overeating/weight problems, please go to http://emotionaleatingreport.com.

      Love, Morty

    2. I’m right with you, and you said it in a perfect way! I posted above.

  2. Morty,

    1. I would like to feel I am valuable and worthy of good things. I have had so many difficult things happen to me and my family in the last 5 years that I have lost self esteem. My connection and belief in myself as a spiritual worthwhile being has mostly been trashed.
    2. I have been scapegoated and betrayed a lot in my life, so I would like to find the root cause of that and heal it.
    3. I would like to heal my money issues. I went from having a quarter of a million income and all the fun that comes with that to less than $1000 a month to live on. I have two sons and a partner that all survive on this amount with me.

    I can tell you, through all our medical crises, job losses, legal issues and stress, we have maintained our love for each other and stayed loving and kind. I just want to find the way to shift into a good life again.

    Thanks for all you do.

    1. Morty Lefkoe says:


      Please call me at 415-884-0552 and let’s see what I can do to help.

      Love, Morty

  3. Anonymous says:

    I have what I would call a deeply crippling negative beliefs regarding my ability to attract and feel wanted by women so I remain lonely in spite of all my efforts. I also feel very ashamed of it for obvious reasons but I also feel deep sadness over the issue as if something were wrong with me or creepy about me that everyone else sees but me! I have spent countless hours and dollars trying get past it for three years and nothing, and I mean nothing, has worked. It is the only real barrier left in my head but it is a big one. Any help you could provide would be useful. I don’t want to waste my entire life like I have the last three years, trying to deal with this problem.

    1. Morty Lefkoe says:


      I have two suggestions in response to your question.

      First, try our Natural Confidence program that will eliminate the 19 most common limiting beliefs that affect every area of our lives. That should make a dramatic improvement in your life.

      Second, if the problem still exists, call us for a one-on-one phone session where we can help you identify and eliminate the specific remaining beliefs that are causing your problem.

      If you have any further questions, please call us at 415-884-0552.

      Love, Morty

    2. Zoe Portman says:

      Hey Morty. I would like to eliminate the following from my life:

      Fear of confrontation;

      Fear of (intimate) relationships with males;

      Always playing small in relation to my elder sisters (I am the youngest) grrr!!


      1. Morty Lefkoe says:

        Hi Zoe,

        We can help you with all of those issues in one-on-one sessions on the phone or Skype. If you have any specific questions, please call us at 415-884-0552.

        We have helped thousands of people with problems just like yours.

        Love, Morty

  4. Hi Monty. Everything in my life is going pretty good. I have dated amazing guys.. but its like in the first few weeks i am on my best behaviour and once i realize the guy is into me..i start to withdraw. I want to break it off peacefully but its always a big mess. Its scary how easily i get over this guy and move on to another. just dont seem to realise what my problem is. I am not a sadist, i always try not to hurt people. can you help me in anyway with it?

    1. Morty Lefkoe says:

      Hi Nika,

      It sounds as if your behavior is the result of some beliefs and conditionings about men and relationships. We could help you eliminate them in private one-on-one sessions.

      Please call us for more information. 415-884-0552.

      Love, Morty

  5. People in our lives come and some go… it is a common experience. One of my friends observed that we just don’t know HOW to break up well. By the time a relationship is ending we are often angry, frustrated, in denial, grievimg etc. This particular lack of skill can have future reactions.

    1. Morty Lefkoe says:

      Hi Chrys,

      The feelings we have at the end of a relationship have nothing to do with the end of the relationship. They are caused by beliefs and conditionings about the end of relationships that can be easily eliminated.

      If you have any further questions, please call us at 415-884-0552.

      Love, Morty

  6. I would like to be able to let go of being right in arguments. It recently cost me a relationship which I valued greatly at which point I recognized what I was doing and some of the beliefs/fears causing my behaviour. Looking back, I would say that this behaviour has cost me much in the past before I became aware of it.

    The way this problem looks is that when I argue with someone, I feel fear that they are right, that I might not be able to persuade them of my position which i know is right and I believe that everything depends on winning this argument. All silly, yes, but there you are…

    Since I only just recognized how destructive acting like this is, I have not had a chance to try to identify the individual components. Perhaps others find this to be a problem and it is worth investigating. I do notice a lot of other people do it too, mostly women who are never in lasting relationships like myself

  7. Hey Morty,
    ever since I was young my family has criticized my body size. I’m thin-medium athletic build and I would never want to change that (logically). However, when ever someone really big and muscular walks into a room, I get feelings of inadequacy. I would like to remove any limiting beliefs related to my body type.

    1. Morty Lefkoe says:

      Hi Josh,

      We can’t create a program for that because each person would be different.

      We could help you eliminate the few beliefs involved in a one-on-one phone or Skype session.

      For more information, please call us at 415-884-0552.

      Love, Morty

  8. 1) I would like to rid myself of obsessive thoughts – I lay awake at night obsessing over what I have screwed up and fail to focus on the positive things I DO manage. How can I change those thoughts?

    2) I would like to stop thinking about all of the negatives that can happen. I work with horses, I am a trainer, and I would love to STOP the thoughts of all the terrible things that can happen with horses. Sure, accidents happen but after decades in this business my thoughts automatically go to “this horse could kick me” while I am crouched down putting bandages on its legs or “this horse is balking, that’s a sign it might flip over.” I want to change these thoughts because I believe the power of thoughts can actually transmit to the animal – if they aren’t doing it, but I am thinking it, I might actually pass those thoughts to the horse and MAKE them do what I am thinking. I am not saying I am telepathic, I am saying that I believe there exists between animals and people a whole other level of communication in addition to verbal language.

    Help me control my thoughts! 🙂 Thanks! Jessi

    1. Morty Lefkoe says:

      Hi Jessi,

      I agree that animals can pick up our feelings.

      You can change your thoughts easily by eliminating the beliefs that cause the thoughts.

      For more information, please call us at 415-884-0552.

      Love, Morty

  9. Getting the frequency of vibration a lot higher one is doing so much better in life in general. Now this is possible, but it takes months if not years. Could we find a way to do that in a few days, we could forget about any limiting beliefs. But this is like being at the other side of the world in a few minutes and not having to get to the airport and sit in a plan for about 15 hours. But one day this will be possible. Here the question: Is there a main belief that we could change and not have to go through changing each limiting belief we have and then we not always know each limiting belief.

    1. Hi Christa,

      Based on my experience, each belief exists as a separate thing, and eliminating one does not eliminate the others. There is no single belief that will get rid of all the others.

      Love, Morty

      1. Thank you! It makes sense. Would be great to take a pill and be rid of all false beliefs. But the truth is that often people are not aware of all of them. They try to get rid of one, but then there is another one in the way.
        I wish you a successful 2011!

      2. Morty,
        I agree with Christa. I feel that there is a master belief that we will one day be able to tune into. A field, perhaps, that enables us to flow as we should. Kind of like HGH, as the master human hormone, is the regulator of all other human hormones.
        But for now, I need to learn to develop the belief that I can become successful.
        Thanks so much , Morty.

  10. Dear Morty, thank you for your significative help this year I hope you continue in 2011.
    My friend, I wuold like to change many issues in my life I put here just some
    1- I would like release all fears I have- failure,criticism,judgement,poverty,people talking, asking
    2-I would like to have atittude, be and action man, releasing procrastination, AND DOUBTS
    3-I would like to be bold, courageous, and strong
    4- I would like to be mind controleed in confronts, be calm and get focus

  11. Morty,
    I am hoping you will answer a question for me. First a bit of background info.
    I am a 40 YO single mother of an 11 year old young man.
    I am receiving no child support, have zero savings, go into further debt every month and live on a disability payment of $900 every month.
    Being on disability (both physical and psychological) means 2 things, first my time is my own, and I am not trapped by a “job”.
    Yesterday, I overdrew my checking account to join Mike Dillard and “The Elevation Group”.
    Up to this point I have sold all but a few precious pieces of jewelry.
    Do you have any ideas on how I should conduct myself to gain wealth and security?
    On the day that the Social Security stops, I will no longer have any means to survive or to provide for my son.
    I ask for direction.
    I am a blank canvas. Please feel free to boss me around, LOL.
    Fear and desperation are my bedfellows.
    I have already worked on eliminating the belief that I am not good enuf. And amazingly amazing things began to happen that day.

    Thank You!!

    1. Hi Tracee,

      Please call me after Jan 6 at 415-884-0552 and I’ll see what I can do.

      In the meantime, don’t give up hope. There always is a solution.

      Love, Morty

  12. Hi Morty,

    Thanks for your insights and methods so far. I’d like to dissolve my fear of intimacy – the fear of love – and would welcome your suggestions.

    Kind regards,

    1. anonymous says:

      All of the negative- Mind-Trash!

  13. Hi Morty,
    Too bad that I’m late and you will probably not read this, but here was my question- or better confusion: When I first discovered your process and started reading other people’s experiences and results, many reported that they are able to recognize a moment before beliefs kick in (forgot the name of your 10 week program), and realize they can put any meaning they want. They all sounded calm, centered and have not been experiencing fears who would usually stop them to go after the things they want. But what bothered me that they sounded too aloof and detached. They were not emotional and it sounded weird somehow, unnatural. I understand the place of piece and centeredness, I have experienced it as well although not in that measure- but I started questioning myself whether I want to be in that space. I know that nothing has meaning and that we assign meaning we want, and we are creators- but why does that leave me depressed and not sure if I want to do your program to get to that point?

    1. Btw, I have eliminated some 40 beliefs so far using your method and my life is changing dramatically…for the better:)

  14. Anonymous says:

    I’d like to be totally fearless. Thanks Morty.

  15. anonymous says:

    Your program is a huge help. I was actually led to you through another site. and to that site through another. As you know, there is a tremendous amount of help for those who are ready and want to find it. It’s easy to find oneself spinning off in a lot of different directions, spending a lot of time and money, and becoming overwhelmed by the amount of information, learning, clearing, and growth- and spending. Could you address this? I bet I’m not the lone ranger in this department.

  16. I want to get rid of a general negativity. I d o not feel it is the real me, yet I catch myself thinking negatively about issues and circumstances all the time. Is it possible to behave in a way that is contrary to one’s true self, yet fall in the trap all the time?

    I also need to get rid of fears of rejection since I submit writing work all the time to publishers, and overcome the expectation that I will fail in my attempts to change my eating habits because it has become a self fulfilling prophesy…

    1. Hi Estelle,

      It is possible to eliminate all three of the problems you mention: general negativity, a fear of rejection, and eating issues.

      The fear of rejection can be handled with a DVD package we offer. The other two problems can be easily handled in one-on-one phone or Skype sessions. Call us at 415-884-0552 for further information.

      Love, Morty

  17. Hi Franc,

    I’m not sure what beliefs you would need to eliminate to stop smoking, but they really don’t have anything to do with will and short term memory.

    Thanks for your question.

    Regards, Morty

  18. Anonymous says:

    How about How to Easily Talk to Strangers in a Social Situation?

  19. Thanks a lot, Morty! I added you on Skype, I can’t wait to talk to you.

  20. Hi Morty,
    wow, what a numerous response to your question!
    here is another one (I am not aware if it was posted on this page before):

    I need a strong Will to make a change such as quit smoking. I belive strong will and focus are important to accomplish any goal in ones life but there are so many distractions and adverse conditions in our way of life…

    What would be the chain of beliefs that anchors the lack of will, distractions, short memory of goal commitment?

    I appreciate your work which helps so many.

    Thank you M.

  21. Hi Jose,

    Please give me your phone number and I will call you so I can help you with you on the program to make sure it works for you. I’m sure I can help.

    Do you have a computer? You can call me on Skype. There is no charge. My Skype name is mortylefkoe.

  22. Hi Joy,

    You name four issues you want help with. I think we can help with all four in private, one on one phone or Skype sessions.

    You named: perfectionism, a powerful feeling of overwhelm I confront whenever I think about doing more than think about it, a sense that I’m not qualified to make real the vision I have and profound social anxiety and an aversion to promoting myself or my work.

    We’ve helped people with all of these issues.

    In fact, you probably could handle some of them with one of our products, which would save you a lot of money. Get our Natural Confidence program, which would help a lot with procrastination and social anxiety.

    Then if all of the problems are not totally handled, you could have a few private sessions to handle whatever is left. You can find Natural Confidence at http://recreateyourlife.com/store/natural-confidence.php.

    Regards, Morty

  23. Hi Valerie,

    You ask if we have a magic course to regain the power you lost. The answer is yes, we do. The course consists of private sessions in which you eliminate the limiting beliefs you have.

    If you haven’t tried the process yet, try it for free at http://recreateyourlife.com.

    If you like the process we can work with you on the phone, helping you identify which specific beliefs you need to eliminate, and then help you eliminate them.

    You can call for more information or an appointment at 415-884-0552.

    Regards, Morty

  24. It would be nice after looking at all that I am grateful in my present life to beleive it is OK to want and get more…Which would be that money will not change who I’ve become or attract people who would take advantage of my kindness and naivity…Being on a spiritual path since childhood I came to beleive that We shouldn’t want any material, live without accumulation, to help others and be passionate about what is a balance of our Universe…Exept I forgot to ASK formyself…And it is true we allways get what we ask for It as never missed in my life that fact.So much people would call me to prey for what they wanted…And you know it always worked as long as it was to my eyes in accord with the law of the universe!!! So it was by painful trial I’ve learned how TO ASK…So that I came to a point I desired nothing…Yes you guessed it I got nothing not even thanks from my help…I am hoping to find my way back amongs the earth living creatures LOL and accept that I deserve life of aboundance with out being a bad person…Lack of self confidance in a mind that as been through a very special life with a very special parent!!!

    If you have a magic course on finding back the lost habilities of spiritual faith and The power within I’ve lost moons ago I would love it!!!

    It is always up to me to choose which path to use… the hard one or the loving one!!!

  25. Morty,

    I was going to ask for something about writer’s block but then realized that isn’t the core of my problem. I actually have no problem writing. I’m probably hypegraphia prone. I can write for hours off the cuff as long as I’m not trying to control its form. My files and notebooks and blog and journal contain millions of words between them. So writer’s block is not the problem.

    The problem has to do with finishing creative projects whether stories or needlework or research. It’s the fiction writing that gives me the most fits. Yet story is my first and most enduring passion. I have begun dozens of stories/novels. I’ve finished maybe five. I have 20 novels in progress which all branched out of a short story I began in 1987. The story now spans 120 years with nearly that many significant characters walking in and out of each other’s stories. I would prefer to think of it as a single novel but who would read a 3 or 4K page novel?

    I’ve spent 23 years on this story world yet have more words in the notes than in the narrative itself though it is hard to tell which are which as I slip from one to the other whether I am in the narrative file or the notes file. Even on the page or screen it is much easier to talk about the story and characters than to write the scenes that play in the background of my thoughts no matter what else I am doing or thinking about.

    Some have suggested that creating such a tangled complex web of a story was a way of self-sabotaging. But that doesn’t feel right to me. I see the thing whole in my mind, can turn it like a many faceted jewel.

    The issues I have identified are: First, my perfectionism which makes it hard to work with the previous messes (rough-drafts) I have made as well as hard to ever quit tweaking a story and call it finished. Second is the powerful feeling of overwhelm I confront whenever I think about doing more than think about it. Third is a sense that I’m not qualified to make real the vision I have. Forth is the fears I have of interacting with the world at large once I have a finished story that wants readers. That last is composed of at least two issues: profound social anxiety and an aversion to promoting myself or my work (born of the particular Christian sect I was raised in that named that as prideful. Especially for women. Even tho I’ve broken from the sect I still carry most of the social conditioning.)

    Well, I’ve rambled some. So much for writer’s block. 🙂

    Thanx for your attention

  26. I just want to help people spiritually but have no funds I cannot even see there Aura or anything else and feel very frustrated with myself I am 62
    To learn to speak kinder as I tend to be very straight and brusque

  27. Hi Morty!

    I think what you do is awesome and I admire you. (I’m sorry if my comment gets too long-winded, I’ll try to keep it short!)

    If I could change ONE thing about my life, it would be my preoccupation with what people think of me, I want to not care AT ALL because it cripples me in many different ways =(

    The most painful consequence of this is that I’m kind of a hermit. I seldom go out and my dating and sex life sucks (it’s practically non-existant). I have like 1 friend. I think this is mostly because I don’t see myself as a responsible adult or a mature man (I’ve never had a job). Or maybe it’s because I’m embarrassed if my family sees me with women and being social in general (specially my father, with whom I don’t have a good relationship with; I’m 20 and I live under his roof). Or maybe I’m just scared of meeting new people because they’ll think I’m a loser. Who knows? It’s either that or some other equally ridiculous psychological barrier. The worst part is that I feel more of a loser with every day that goes by.

    I want to tell you something, and I actually told you this before on Facebook, but your response was “give us a call” and I was too embarrassed to tell you that, for me, calling you is out of the question, because I don’t have the money for a long-distance call, much less a private consultation. Here’s the deal:

    I’ve done the Natural Confidence program, and I’m still not too confident. I feel just like before and I think the reason for this is that I didn’t eliminate my beliefs correctly, because either:

    A) I did a half-assed job with the program (maybe I didn’t interact with it correctly because I don’t remember events before the age of 5)


    B) My beliefs were actually formed in my native language (Spanish) and therefore, I have to do the program again but this time changing everything in my mind to Spanish.

    I have the program here with me and I’m willing to do it all over again, but I’d like some reassurance before spending several hours on it (plus, I suck at identifying wether I have a belief or not).

    I have 2 questions for you:

    1) Assuming I were able to correctly eliminate the 19 beliefs and 4 conditionings of the Natural Confidence program, do you honestly believe my preoccupation with what people think of me would be gone?


    2) What tips would you give me for when I do the program again? Any mistakes I should avoid making while doing it?

    Your response means a lot to me, thanks!

  28. i would like unshakeable confidence in all situations. sometimes im very confident for instance , no trouble speaking in front of a large group of people. but put a man im attracted to in before me and i want to run for the hills and usually do.

  29. Jennifer Lansdale says:

    I do have a lot of issues with the way I interpret certain people’s behavior in a negative and personal way..I am very interested in trying the Lefkoe Occurring Process..how can I get signed up with this program?


  30. Morty, if I had to break it down, I would say that my Primary handicap is Fear of Rejection/Loss. Secondary to that is a crippling loss of motivation…depression/sadness…when I get overwhelmed.
    I have done the Method and am doing it all over again, but if you have any other help to offer me I would Welcome it!!
    Thank you,

    1. Hi D,

      When you say you have done the Method, what do you mean? If you’ve only eliminated one belief, that is not sufficient to make a fundamental shift in your life. Problems are usually cased by several beliefs.

      Fear of rejection and overwhelm can usually be helped by our Natural Confidence program, which consists of 19 basic self-esteem beliefs and four de-conditionings. Check it out at http://recreateyourlife.com/store/natural-confidence.php and see if you think this would help.

      Depression is so individual that it requires one-on-one phone or Skype sessions with a certified Lefkoe Method facilitator.

      If you have any further questions, please let me know.

      Regards, Morty

      1. I have, in fact, done 16 of the 19 beliefs and 3 of the 4 conditionings and WAIR. A few of these I did more than once. Though I grasp this intellectually, and on a few could feel a change, there is still this that I described. I am not coming from a victim mentality, but just can’t seem to lick a few of these. I would welcome any further help you can offer.


        1. Hi D,

          Please call me so I can try to figure out what’s happening.


          Regards, Morty

  31. Morty, If I were to really break it down I would say that Fear of Rejection/Loss is my number one thing that I need help with and secondary to that is Loss of motivation….sadness/depression….when I start feeling down.
    I have already done the Method and am doing all over again. If you have more help to offer me, Please let me know!!!

  32. Hi
    I would like to release negative beliefs such as i never meet any men I like or who would want to date me. Or i dont deserve an amazing relationship.
    i am also having issues with finances and loss of a job. All in all a mess!
    I am however feeling more confident about myself as i am on belief 10 of Natural Confidence 🙂
    Is it best for me to contact you directly for these additional beliefs?

    Many thanks

    1. Hi Mel,

      I suggest you complete all the beliefs and conditionings in the NC program. Then you can call and make an appointment to have a session or two with one of our certified Lefkoe Method facilitators to get rid of the specififc bleifs thaty are casuing relationship and money issues.

      Our office # is: 415-884-0552.

      Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

      Regards, Morty

  33. M.L. Browne says:

    Morty, I want a magic bullet that I can shoot at people who consistently throw obstacles in front of me no matter WHAT I endeavor to do. Either that, or self-protecting techniques that protect me from this chipping away at creativity and self-esteem. Protections in place, I would expect much more to be possible.

  34. 2things
    First, a resource to eliminate negative beliefs about money

    Second, take the natural confidence a step further to create a tailor-made program for performance anxiety and stage fright for actors musicians and other stage artists

    thanks for the great posts and the wonderful Lefkoe method


    1. Hi JL,

      First, we actually already have a package of five beliefs on money that are not generally available, but which you can get if you call us at 415-884-0552.

      Second, most if not all performance anxiety will be eliminated if you complete the Natural Confidence course.

      Let me know if there is any left after you complete that program.

      Regards, Morty

  35. Marty,
    My biggest problem is that I’m too sensitive and interpret many sarcastic comments as personal attacks. Eventually, the pain of the attacks results in an “deal breaker” mentally and I cut the person out of my life. I thinking I’m standing up for myself by not tolerating disrespectful and contemptuous behavior, yet I end up all alone.
    Am I really under attack and keep attracting the “dark side” of my spirit self? Or am I really way too sensitive and intrepret what anyone else would blow off as a indicator that I am not really liked?
    I’m really tired of living like this. It causes me to stay isolated to keep the “pain” away. I was raised by a parent who would not answer direct questions, joked and laughed at my expense, and got others to turn against me. Yet if I defended myself, I got pummeled with how disrespectful I was. After reading self help books for decades, I tried not to give my power away, but it’s apparent to me that I have not been successful.
    I would have a much more productive and funfilled life if I could get and keep MY POWER!!!
    Thanks for listening…

    1. Hi Janine,

      Your problems today are clearly the result of beliefs you formed as a child in your interactions with your parents.

      But when the beliefs are eliminated, the problems will be too. You really don’t have to continue to live as you do. Reading books can be interesting, but they will not eliminate the beliefs that are currently causing the issues in your life.

      The best way to find the specific beliefs that are causing your issues today would be one-on-one phone or Skype sessions. However, I suspect you could go a long way to resolving much of your issue by completing the Natural Confidence program, which gives you 19 common self-esteem beliefs and four conditionings.

      Check it out and see what you think at http://recreateyourlife.com/store/natural-confidence.php

      Regards, Morty

  36. I would love to work through limiting beliefs surrounding money. They are everywhere and pervasive.

    Thank you for asking.


    1. Hi Ryan,

      We have a program with five money beliefs that are not currently being offered but if you want them, we could make them available.

      Please call Karen at 415-884-0552 and tell her I said it was OK to sell them to you.

      Let me know what you think after you use them.
      Regards, Morty

    1. Hi Mobilya,

      Glad you liked my post and thanks for subscribing.

      Regards, Morty

  37. I would embrace guidance in communicating my deepest needs. like sexually and even how to tell my husband how frustrated I become when he leaves his ‘trail’ behind him as he goes about the house. when I do take the “risk” and communicate them, things tend to go well, but I have a really difficult time getting up the courage to do so. why? because it makes me so much more vulnerable, and I am often just stuck in the same thinking rut I have been in, unless I become aware. often it is too late. thanks in advance!

    1. Hi “C”,

      There seem to be two issues you raise:

      First, what your husband does is not inherently upsetting. The meaning you give it causes the upset and the Lefkoe Occurring Process can help you give a different meaning to what he does so it will no longer be upsetting.

      Second, if you are afraid to communicate to him, you probably are afraid of anger and confrontation. Most people can get rid of that fear when they eliminate just 5-6 beliefs and conditionings. That could be done in one or two one-to-one phone or Skype sessions.

      And of course getting rid of your negative self-esteem beliefs would improve your confidence, which is helpful in so many ways.

      Let me know what you decide to do.

      Regards, Morty

  38. Morty, I’ve tried the natural confidence program, I haven’t finished it yet, but I have eliminated like 10 beliefs so far, and my confidence has really improved a lot. I also remember that I was seeing life full of oportunities, I felt really good (now that I’m remembering maybe it was as a result of the WAIR process). Anyways since a few weeks ago I started feeling really sad, until today, I have thought it has maybe something to do with my parents (I’m 19 and I still live with them), I really don’t know what to do, I just want to feel happy again, but the sadness won’t go away. My question is: Can I stop feeling like this?. I guess the answer of course is “yes”, and I also guess that the first thing to do is to determine the cause of my sadness, wich is the meaning I’m giving to a determinated situation, which (now that I’m just thinking) might be related to feeling guilty for my parents behaviour. Yes, I’ve been trying to find the cause for almost 2 weeks, and now that I’m writing to you I guess I finally got it. But could be only one cause to my sadness? Anyways I hope I can eliminated these beliefs by Skype on a one on one session. Wich, by the way, have they got guarantee too? I mean like if I can’t eliminate all the beliefs in that hour, I’ll have to pay for another one?

    The last doubt is that on the WAIR I have to admit that “life is a result of my beliefs”, but you published an article a while ago in wich you say “…I no longer think there is a direct connection” (referring to how we live our lives and our beliefs). So now when I go through the WIAR I’m like stuck in that step and I don’t really know what to do.

    That’s all. You don’t know how much you would help by answering some of my questions, even though you have already helped, so thank you Morty, thanks for everything you’ve done,


    1. Hi Juan,

      I’m not sure what is causing your sadness. It could be a lot of things and I don’t have enough information to even guess.

      In a one-on-one session clients can eliminate from 2-4 beliefs. First sessions usually fewer. We have to figure out what your issue is and then determine what beliefs are causing the problem.

      I’m not clear what step you are stuck in when you use the WAIR? Process. We do create our lives, though the old beliefs we are living with and also though the meaning we are constantly giving the situations in our lives as they occur.

      Regards, Morty

  39. Sorry,but it is only my temporary”financial situation that prevent me for not enroll at this time , I really think it is a good program but,I can’t at this moment Regards Zully

  40. Confrontations are a big deal with me. Especially in my family, I cannot have an opinion that is accepted. For instance, visiting my sister and mother I feel stifled because my sister challenges every statement I make. I would like to have a regular conversation without her saying, “Where did you hear that?” I still feel blocked up when it comes to writing; a program for that would be awesome.

  41. My limting beliefs about money, and the guilt i feel for even wanting to change them.

  42. How to love myself unconditionally so that other people don’t bother me, I don’t blame myself for unwanted situations, and I am joyful and hope just doing everyday activities, like brushing my teeth!

  43. dealing with people who don’t seem to hear me and just repeat their position over and over again.

  44. I would like to be able to overcome a handicap that I have so that I may feel confident enough to walk away from a realtionship that I believe I stay in for mostly security reasons and move south to be with some of my children wher I know that i am loved and appreciated for me.

  45. What would I like to change? I would like for me to get my book published and become a wealthy best selling author. Does that count?

    1. Hi Vincent,

      I can’t guarantee that eliminating any negative, limiting beliefs will make you a wealthy, best-selling author, but I can predict that you probably will not have your dreams come true if you have beliefs that make it impossible.

      Getting rid of limiting beliefs literally creates possibilities in our lives. Create some possibilities in your own life.

      Let me know how it turns out.

      Regards, Morty

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