What would you like to change about your life?

Since offering people the opportunity to choose exactly which problem they’d like to have solved on my website


I’ve been wondering if there was something else I could offer that would let you live the life you’ve always wanted.

To find out I thought I’d just ask you the question and have you leave your answer on my blog:

“What else would you like to change about your life?”

And you know what, it can be anything at all.  Just make sure it’s something you really want to change because I’m going to take your feedback and use it to create new programs in the future.

Examples could be fear of anger or confrontation, experiencing and expressing uncontrolled anger, and specific relationship issues.

You often do get what you wish for… so think BIG.

Just leave a comment below (to remain anonymous just give your name as “anonymous.”

623 thoughts on “What would you like to change about your life?

  1. Hi Morty, ok… I would like to change in my life the condition of giving ALL, and not receiving NOTHING, but not because the people don’t whant to give back to me, but becouse I present my self as Unworthed, in other words I allways have reasons for not receiving like… If you are ok, dont worry about me, I will deal with my pain, or… as long as you are happy, don’t worry about me, I’ll see what I do. You see? i always put my self in the position of not deserving attention, or value or nothing, and then I feel frustrated becouse I am Not important for them… yeah… that I would like to change.
    Thanks Morty.

    1. Hi Andrea,

      It sounds like the result of a negative sense of yourself that is likely caused by beliefs like I’m not deserving, I’m not good enough, I’m not worthy, etc.

      There are 23 of the most common negative self-esteem beliefs and conditionings in one of our online programs. Check it out. I think it could make a significant impact on the way you feel and act. http://recreateyourlife.com/naturalconfidence.


  2. Hi Morty,

    I have a problem and think it’s a problem for many other people though they may not noticed it.

    The problem is: Being too attached to someone else (or not able to be emotionally detached with your loved ones).

    In terms of romantic relationship, when I love someone, I feel that I’m too attached to the person. You think about them, you are overly concerned with who they are with or talking to, you want to make them feel love, you want them to pay attention to you etc etc. It feels as though you are powerless, you gave too much attention and time to them and not yourself, which is not good for a relationship.

    In terms of parents-children relationship, my parents think they have the need to control everything we do even when we are adults, which is a problem as it hinders us from making our own decisions. They have been in the parents’ role for years and they can’t seem to detach from it and us! Probably, they see us as an extension of themselves, if we changed, they changed.

    In terms of friendship, some of my friends think they have the obligations to constantly help people in need or befriend everyone.

    I think this is a good topic to discuss and explore. I don’t think it has something to do with confidence. I think it’s more of being over confidence that you think that you have control over other people’s life.

    A few beliefs I can think of are:
    – Being detached, means you do not love and care for that person.
    – Other people needs me. They have so many problems. What will they do without me?
    – If I don’t help my loved one, and something bad happen to them, I’ll feel guilty.
    – Conditioning: Fear of being detached. As you dislikes the feeling of people being detached from you, you don’t want to detach from other people.
    – You have to be forgiving even when your loved ones hurt and abuse you.
    – I have the power/control to fix and rescue people.
    – I’m their parents/friends/partner, I need to help them even if it means I have to sacrifice myself.

    I do realize that this could also be the case of you need to help others to feel good about yourself too. Or it could be that you feel powerless about yourself, so when you are able to help others with their problems, you feel empowered. Could mean a lot of things depending how you see it, but I felt a lot of people have been too attached to others, including me! It should be a choice, not a habit and not an obligation.

    Another thing I would like to ask is: We are the creator. We have a choice. But how do you know if we really choose something because we tell our mind to do so, or it’s because of our limiting beliefs?
    E.g. I choose not to go for a run today. How do I know if it’s really what I choose (because it’s seems to be raining soon) to or it’s because my negative beliefs (such as “I’m lazy” or “Keeping to a running schedule is too much work”) that’s preventing me from doing so?

    Regards and cheers,
    Yong Kang

  3. oh wow! A bunch of things, mainly around money: I grew up in a solid one-income, middle class, no-frills family. No risky investments–money was to be saved, never squandered–same with food. I would LOVE to get rid of the feeling that money is a definite, finite thing that measures worth, instead of the flowing entity it is. I would like to feel comfortable earning and receiving more money. And spending it, for that matter. Usually I feel anxious spending money because I feel the hole that it is leaving behind. I also equate my worth with money, and would feel verrrry guilty if I were earning a lot, even though logically I know that’s ridiculous, and that money is not something to be tamed or controlled, or even that it’s REAL (because it isn’t). So that would be it for me: getting rid of limiting thoughts about money, it’s place in the world, and its place in my world, and how it runs through my life.

  4. I would like to uncreate all crappy belief about women, being workaholic, that I know i got during my middle school and high-school (bad peer group). I know it is so, yet i cant seem to be able to change it. Maybe you can create generic belief changer that people can customize it for various beliefs (some like interactive games, where the action line changes as a function of the actions of the player, ie multiple scenario game). Thank you Morty!

  5. one of the things i would love to change is … i dont feel like i worth good things to happen to me.. or im not that lucky to have a nice surprises or to have anything without working so hard for it …. im not that kind of people that have t hings come to them ….
    i feel also that i love my self less than other people do … like i’m not acceptable or a lovable person
    i also feel that im not creative at all

  6. I always attract the wrong man. I know it stems from my childhood as my father was a constant let down & came in & out of our lives. Also seeing my mother be a doormat & telling me aged 6 that if you put all the men in the world in one bag you wouldn’t come up with one good one. So am left with 50% neediness and 50% thinking all men are shits

  7. I would like to believe in myself. I feel that great things happen for everyone except me. As soon as I do something it fails but when other people do it it is easy and successful. I know that it is just a mindset but I am struggling to find a way to change it.
    Thank you.

    1. Hi Shania,

      The problem is caused by beliefs, as is most problems. Eliminate all the beliefs and it will disappear.

      Most of the beliefs causing a lack of confidence can be eliminated using our natural confidence program: http://recreateyourlife.com/naturalconfidence.

      Let me know how you feel after completing the program.

      Love, Morty

  8. Hesitation to move forward and fear to construct dreams which i suppose means Reservation and lack of positive guts

  9. I would like to be able to allow my children to fail and feel natural consequences knowing they would ultimately grow because of these experiences.

    1. Hi J,

      You probably have the belief Mistakes and failure are bad, among others. Get rid of that one and you might see some change in your attitude.

      You can get rid of that belief for free at http://recreateyourlife.com.

      Love, Morty

  10. Just answering the title (what i want to change)

    i want to change regret about my past, i want to not be ashamed of myself, to be proud of who i am and think i got everything it takes to be very happy. I want to have a lot of fun and work something that is fun to do and not to worry. I dont want to procrastinate about stuff and enjoy all my life including house chors, cleaning, shopping, exercising. I want to form friendships easily and feel connected to people.

    1. Hi Pepi,

      All of what you want is possible when you eliminate the beleifs that cause those problems. The Natural Confidence program will help with most of them.

      Love, Morty

  11. Hi Morty,

    thank you for your offer and your true interest in people!

    I’d like to let go of the belief that i have to be a servant and ignore my needs and lose myself in a love relationship. And that it will only end in pain anyway.

    Wow, how nice it would be to be at peace with the subject…

    Thanx again,

    best regards

    1. Hi Fran,

      Thanks for your interest in our work.

      I wish I could tell you that we had a generic product that would help you. But it sounds like you have some specific beliefs about relationships and yourself in relationships that we would have to help you identify and then eliminate. We could only do that in a private one-to-one phone or Skype session.

      For more information please call us at 415-884-0552.

      Love, Morty

  12. All I feel is missing is confidence Morty. I am sure there is a limiting belief there I just haven’t been able to define it.

  13. I would like more help on limiting beliefs that I can’t have the type of intimate, loving relationship that I want. I believe some of the beliefs blocking me are: “No man will ever love me.” “All the good ones are taken, and even if there is a good one that isn’t taken, he isn’t going to want me.”, and “the kind of relationship I want doesn’t exist.”

    1. Hi Patricia,

      We could easily help you eliminate those and other similar beliefs in a private one-to-one phone or Skype session.

      For more information please call us at 415-884-0552.

      Love, Morty

  14. Hi Morty, thank you for your three free belief-eliminating sessions online, which I have used. I think they have been valuable to me.

    What I would like is to have an easier time following through on projects and goals. I am great at the idea stage and the initial steps of projects but I have had only mixed success with achieving constancy in important projects over long time frames. Part of it for me is that I get newly excited about something different all the time. Part of it is that I shy away from the parts of a project that require me to promote myself to others. Another part is that I find myself feeling as if there’s always something hanging over my head to take care of, no matter how efficient I’ve been in my work. This makes me want to simply be done with it all, so that I can escape that feeling. But I rarely feel completely on top of things or relaxed, and I think this is largely because of my frustration at myself for not quite doing enough in the areas that mean the most to me. Complicating things is the fact that it has been difficult for me to say no to people and also difficult for me to ask for what I want in life.

    1. Hi Clay,

      All of what you describe can be traced to beliefs. When you eliminate all the beliefs causing any behavioral or emotional problem, the problem disappears.

      We have one program with 19 beliefs that would help handle most of the issues you describe. Check out our Natural Confidence program and see if you think it will help. http://recreareyourlife.com/naturalconfidence.


    2. Hi Clay,

      All of what you describe can be traced to beliefs. When you eliminate all the beliefs causing any behavioral or emotional problem, the problem disappears.

      We have one program with 19 beliefs that would help handle most of the issues you describe. Check out our Natural Confidence program and see if you think it will help. http://recreateyourlife.com/naturalconfidence.


  15. Hi,
    1. undoing religious programming since kids
    2. fear of intimacy
    3. fear in general, taking risks: fear of success
    4. resilience in front of adversities (on the lines of Dr. Symeon Rodger).

  16. Hi Morty,
    I would love one for families, so we could all work together and heal the adults and stop the kids inheriting our behaviors, so they won’t be needing any of these programs.
    Assertiveness would be great, attracting money would be great, also, self esteem and confidence building
    Thank you,

  17. I would like something to combat the general feel of fatigue, depression and despair as the day goes on

    1. Hi Dennis,

      Unless you have some physical illness, you can change that feeling easily by eliminating the beliefs that cause it. Get rid of one common belief free at http://recreateyourlife.com.

      See a package of common self-esteem beliefs that can cause depression and despair at http://recreateyourlife.com/naturalconfidence.

      Let me know how you feel after eliminating the beliefs that are causing your despair and depression.

      Love, Morty

  18. I want to get rid of my insecurity. In life in general, I am confident. Some people admire the fact that I say my opinion and stand up for what I beleive, I seem to know where I’m going, I walk up straight, always smiling, very social and out going, etc… I’m a happy and positive person and have all the capacities in the world to accomplish what I wish. When it comes to love, I’m a wreck. It’s good at first but when it becomes more serious and deeper, I become so insecure. I used to make subconscient choices of guys with whom it couldn’t work out, so I was secure. And bailed out whenever I felt like it. But now I have found the most beautiful, balanced, intelligent man who treats me good and I started to freak out this week. I’m so scared. And I know that my fear is starting to show in my actions and even I don’t want to be around myself (thank God it’s only been a couple days). My insecurity is eating me inside. And I know this has been an issue all my life (I’m 28). I couldn’t even get babysitted when I was very young because I thought my parents were going to die or abandon me. I’ve been insecure this way (at different level of my life when growing up), since I can remember (that is up to 2 years old.) Can this deep insecurity be changed?

    Thanks Morty! 🙂

    1. Hi Cathleen,

      Yes, it is possible to get rid of insecurity because it is caused by beliefs. SO when the beliefs are eliminated, the insecurity is gone.

      Many of the beliefs causing your insecurity are covered in our Natural Confidence program. But specific ones regarding relationships are not and would have to be eliminated in one-on-one sessions by phone or Skype.

      Check out the program at http://recreateyourlife.com/naturalconfidence and call us at 415-884-0552 for more information.

      Love, Morty

  19. Hi Morty,

    I am very shy and have a hard time communicating with others. I hide from others due to a physical problem that I have had since the age of 5. Would their be anything that could help me?

    Thanks Claire

  20. How can I a married person with limited income and 62 but healthy and young in mind become successful and prosperous at something I could love How to do this and keep it going successful if this makes any sense.

  21. Linda Pixton says:

    Have you considered putting your deconditioning program for overcoming triggers to using food to deal with negative emotions (LDP) into a DVD?

    1. Hi Linda,

      At the present time I’m not sure how to put the eating program into a DVD. Each person’s beleifs are so different that I don’t know how to create a DVD that would work for most people. Maybe I will in the future but right now it is a one-on-one process.

      Thanks for your interest in our work.

      Love, Morty

  22. Anonymous says:

    The fear of being loved; remaining closed of from others. Fear of other peoples opinions and also agoraphobia which I suffer from to an extent that I rarely leave the house. Thank you so much and getting rid of a belief is the best I’ve felt in a long time. Thank you!

    1. Hi,

      Your problems are clearly caused by a number of beliefs, many of which are contained in our DVD program, Natural Confidence. For more information about it, go to http://recreateyourlife.com/naturalconfidence.

      Your agoraphobia is probably caused by additional beliefs and conditioning that we could only find in a private phone or Skype session. For more information, please call us at 415-884-0552.

      Love, Morty

  23. I’d like to know how to figure out what my beliefs are very badly so I can stop being such a miserable, confused, selfish, disconnected, prideful, imposing, controlling, cold person.

    (I have done NC and had like 5 sessions.)

    1. Why am I so lazy? I know I could do it but I only feel good if others do it. I need to check with them (not to see if it’s right or okay, but it has to be right by others standards. But then I just want to fail anyways so I usually just tune out everyone and everything.

      1. Even though I know what I’m doing isn’t wrong, other people make me feel bad like what I’m doing IS wrong…

        1. I want to explain myself to them or they’ll be upset. Like now, I want you to know I’m more writing this out to figure it out for myself rather than have you answer all my questions. But I want to do literally anything when people are around and even on my own when I feel they’re around or could be wondering where I am… so basically at all times. I’m afraid of their rejection. I feel they’ll find fault in all I do. I feel silly doing anything and everything and I feel that way about others too.

          1. Hi Ryan,

            Please call me and let me see if I can figure out what you need. 415-884-0552

            Love, Morty

  24. Hi Morty,
    How about self love vs the early experiences that may have led to the belief that it is selfish?

    1. Hi Tina,

      The absence of self-love is the result of negative self-esteem beliefs, most of which can be eliminated on our program, http://recreateyourlife.com/naturalconfidence.

      You can identify and eliminate any specific belief in one-to-one phone sessions. Call us for more information. 415-884-0552.

      Love, Morty

  25. I am not sure how to word this as a fear. However I can explain it.

    I see so many people actively not living their lives. They will hide all they can from themselves, family, friends, employers, etc. Yet they will go online and pour everything out to the entire world. I don’t see this as fixing anything. They never do address the actual people and actual problems in their lives.

    To be honest, although I think computers and the internet are wonderful. I use mine all the time. I started long before most even knew what they were. However, I do not see these latest sites and trends in people and their actions as positive in anyway.

    Rather than bringing people together, it is actually alienating them. So many now don’t even know how to really interact with another person in any kind of real way. It is quite sad. People seem almost addicted to this kind of behavior and these sites.

    So I guess my suggestion would be a” fear of actually facing yourself”, as well as “fear of facing and actually living your life”. That would be my suggestion.

    Peace to you,
    An Enchanted Spirit

  26. I would like to feel more passionate & inspired and to recognise my true purpose in life.
    To be more motivated and on track.

    1. Hi Dee,

      What you want is totally possible if you eliminate the beleifs that are getting in your way.

      Call us for more information, 415-884-0552.

      Love, Morty

  27. The ability to resist reacting to people who unerringly “push your button” and make you react angrily by reflex.

    1. Hi GF,

      This can be handled easily with the Lefkoe Occurring Process. We have sent out some information about this process recently and will be sending out more in the next week or so. We will be offering a workshop showing people how to use the process starting Aug 2.

      When you dissolve the meaning you have made up about an event, the feeling that the meaning causes dissolves also.


  28. Hi morty ok
    How about changing patterns of self sabortage because you have beliefs your not worthy or good enough to have say: a healthy relationship or a good job etc..

    1. Morty Lefkoe says:

      Hi Gordon,

      Thanks for your interest in our work.

      Our Natural Confidence program should deal with the self sabotage problem. You can find it at http://recreateyourlife.com/naturalconfidence.

      Please let me know know if you have any additional questions.

      Love, Morty

  29. Glenn Stockham says:





    THANKS Glenn

    1. Hi Glenn,

      Thanks for your interest in our work.

      Our Natural Confidence program will help you eliminate most of the beliefs that cause a fear of cold calling, but not all of them.

      At some point we might create a program like the one you suggested.


  30. Hi Morty,

    I would like to change my beliefs or views of other people. Along with developing negative beliefs about myself growing up, I also developed a distrust and an inability to connect with others. This was partly because of a fear of rejection but also because I could not trust my father an abusive and manipulative person who used my mother and my brothers and sisters for his own benefit. I grew up afraid to open up to others, being able to rely on others, and having a lot of trouble being there for other people. I also developed some negative character traits such as being selfish and self centered. I want to be able to trust others, be there for others and lose these negative beliefs about people in general.

    Thank you.

  31. Morty,

    Someone I care about deeply has real issues around abandonment that cause her relationship issues. The fear leads her to project the qualities of those who let her down onto prospective partners and then act in a way to create those situations. I would really like to have a tool to help her understand that she is not at fault for relationship failures from her childhood and that everyone she meets won’t share the qualities of those that let her down. Okay, sure I happen to love her too and have lived through her acting out as soon as she found she loved me too. While I still have hopes for us, more than anything I don’t want to see her go through life with this guilt and unhappiness. Would greatly appreciate you help.

  32. larry moran says:

    Dear Morty:
    I have been working on improving my personality for at least 20 years.
    I have read hundreds of books, bought tapes and still I find my self suffering from frustration and anger when issues start to stack.
    How can I let go of the sabotaging thoughts and actions that continue to surface?

    1. Morty Lefkoe says:

      Hi Larry,

      You can make all the changes you want by eliminating the beliefs that keep you stuck. Promise.

      If you haven’t tried our belief-elimination process yet, you can try it free at http://recreateyourlife.com.

      Let me know what you think.

      Love, Morty

  33. I would like to feel like living not dieing

    1. anonymous says:

      I concur. My own depression sometimes lead me to wish I would die because life is so hard sometimes. It’s less than ever before because of years of choosing better thoughts consciously. I’d never do anything about it, but I wish those thoughts could permanently be removed from my habitual thoughts, no matter how small they still are. I’d love to have a zest for life and a passion automatically in my head each morning when I wake up instead of dread.

  34. Hi I would like help to learn to put my projects and myself first than putting love relationships first. I always find myself being concerned more by being left and rejected. Even when I hold out in relationships meaning not having sex I still get screwed over. I’d like to be strong enough to not care about that part of my life anymore (having a love relationship) and have the strengh to focus only on myself and my project. How can I gather enough strength to put me first?

  35. Hi I would like help to learn to put my projects and myself first than putting love relationships first. I always find myself being concerned more by being left and rejected and even when I hold our in relationships I still get fucked over. I’d like to be strong enoughto not care about that part of my life anymore and have the strengh to focus only on myself and my project.

  36. I want to find my bestie–my Oprah or my Gayle. They are a hoot!

  37. Hi Morty,
    I keep getting confronted with phrases like “if you go live your passion, your grand idea, life will be great”. I’d like life to be great, but my passion? My grand idea? Do I even have one? Or do I have several small ones? How do I find out? There is so much noise/clutter/mess/confusion around that.
    regards, meme

  38. If I am with someone who retreats emotionally I panic – the belief is that I am somehow responsible for pulling them back – meaning given being that when I am left energetically or otherwise, it is my fault/responsibility.

  39. Hi Morty,

    I’ve been living with the fear of ghosts since I was 3 years old. I am now 43 and I still have it. Could you please create a program to eliminate this fear. I’m sure there are other people out there with the same problems. I also have a fear of heights and spiders. These fears are also common so please create a program to help eliminate them.


  40. Hi ,Thank you so much for your wonderful program,I realy enjoy it and I am going to believe that I can control my mind and my life.
    I want to have a real relationship with other people specially whith whom I have to be such as families.I sometimes think they can’t undestand me.
    Also,I am very sensitive to other people’s thought about me.it somtimes makes difficulties specially when I don’t understand what they mean.

    Dear lufko,I appreciate your attempt…

  41. I would like to be free of the compulsion to buy things when I don’t need them.

    1. Morty Lefkoe says:

      Hi Natasha,

      You should be able to resolve that by eliminating a few beliefs and conditionings. That behavior is the result of what we call a survival strategy belief.

      For more information, please call us at 415-884-0552.

      Love, Morty

  42. Hi,

    I lost my last parent which was my mom 6 weeks ago. I was dating a guy who is very stress out , with health issues. He was there for me and now does not talk to me anymore…He says he is too stress out and Has to take a few test this month. He also says he is mentally and Physical not well. He has conjestive heart failure and is only 44 years old…He will be getting a heart transplant. I am not sure why he wont let me help….he knows I am there for him. Anyway how do I find my soul mate or know if I have met him. Why do I always attract the guy who have problems?
    I just want to find a man who loves me and excepts me for who I am! Pleases Help!!!!

  43. I have a word processing business, and I depend on the income. I would love to quit doing clerical work and be an artist! I’m afraid to give up the income, afraid I will fail. My income is necessary for paying the bills. I know I am a good artist, but I’m not terribly experienced in marketing and showing. I am starting to think that Ihave beliefs about making a living. Curious about what your thoughts are.

    1. Morty Lefkoe says:

      Hi Beth,

      There are two separate issues:

      First, do you have the knowledge and skills necessary to start and run a successful business? You can learn such skills.

      Second, do you have beliefs int he way, such as Mistakes and failure are bad or What makes me good enough is having people think well of me. If so, they can act as a barrier to getting started. ANd if so, you can eliminate most of the beliefs that would stop you in our natural COnfidence DVD package of beliefs and conditionings.

      Let me know if you have any additional questions.

      Love, Morty

      1. Thats easy

        1 to be able to earn enough so my family is comfortable

        2 to pay back all the kind people who have helped me in my road to recovery and being able to achive number 1.

        As always you rock Morty cant wait till tommorrow night Lusana

  44. Hi,

    Like Anita mentioned, I would like to eliminate the belief that being overweight keeps me safe. I don’t feel I eat as a reaction to emotions as I will overeat at any times and can often control it. But, as soon as I get thin, I immediately almost panic and gain weight again, more weight than I lost. The usual yo-yo. I think it really is about feeling safe when my weight stops me from feeling confident enough in myself to go after what I want in life.

    I’ve read your online information and am wondering if you might be able to help.

    Thank you!

    1. Morty Lefkoe says:

      Hi Sally,

      It is rare that overeating is the result only of one belief, but if that is the case with you, it could easily be eliminated in one session. AT that time we could check to make sure there are no other conditionings and beliefs that might be involved.

      If you have any additional questions or if you’d like to sign up for a session to get rid of that belief, please call us at 415-884-0552.

      Love, Morty

    2. anonymous says:

      I too struggle with that one. I wish I “believed” that I COULD be naturally thin (or even just normal size – without so much tortuous minute-by-minute conscious effort to control my own self) and automatically desire fruits & veg and I wish I LOVED to exercise and move my body for the sheer fun of it. I go on diets and fail, start exercise programs and fail. Sometimes if I am feeling blue it is just too hard to even get off the couch and stand at the stove to cook something healthy. I know I automatically think thoughts like the fat person I am, I wish I could believe that I can truly raise my metabolism, desire and enjoyment of exercise & fun active things, desire for healthier foods and BELIEVE that once the weight is off that I can actually keep it off for good (without feeling deprived and agonizing over every bite taken for the rest of my life). I currently don’t believe any of that if you really drill down into my subconscious brain. Until I fix those thoughts, I wont maintain any weight loss even if I do succeed with even a few pounds off.

  45. I would like to have happiness and unconditional love from my spouse

  46. cervantis says:

    Hi Morty

    Can you help with an issue / belief that i am trying to gert rid off

    I experince Performace Anxiety when im with a partner and it has ruined every one of my realtionships..and got me very down, its has got to the point that i dont even try to get into a realtionship just now…I know where it comes from but i cant seem to get past it, is this something that you or your programme could help , i have reasearched the problem and it seems to be a very common problem but very little on how to overcome it.

    please help

    1. Morty Lefkoe says:

      Hi Cervantis,

      If the problem is not physical in nature and you know the source of the problem, we probably could help you identify and eliminate the relevant beliefs.

      Call us at 415-884-0552 for more information.

      Love, Morty

      1. cervantis says:



        I live in the U.K and not sure of the time diffrence and also would i need a code etc with the contat number you provided?



        1. Morty Lefkoe says:

          I think the time difference with the UK is currently 8 hours.

          You’d have to check in the UK to find out how to call the US. Our number is 415-884-0552.

          You also could call me on Skype. My account is: mortylefkoe

          Love, Morty

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