Bust A Limiting Belief

Scroll down the page to see over 1200 comments on my programs.

Here’s the link to my program to bust a limiting belief that 90% of people have.  When you break through this inner barrier you’ll find yourself more able to achieve things you’ve been unable to achieve for years.

Click here to get rid of a limiting belief for good

After you get rid of your belief, let me know what you think below.

Morty Lefkoe

1,598 thoughts on “Bust A Limiting Belief

  1. Wonderful! Awesiome! Amazing!
    To think that I spent the night and into this morning weeping because I was stuck in the past, thinking about how from my dad to my ex-husband, to every relationship in between – I was just not good enough, not perfect enough, thinking self-defeating thoughts even though I – yes, ME, have a very accomplished background both intellectually, professionally and educationally.

    Your system just plugged into that part of my brain that needed resetting! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this accessible and timely intervention.

    May God continue to bless you and the work you are doing.

  2. Morty , I don’t know where to start , you are an amazing person , what you do is so kind .You have helped me so much & so many people .You are blessed. I’m going to pass this on to someone else I know will be really grateful. You do get negativity back from people when theyre really in a mess. It’s trying to keep itself alive. But beauty is beauty , truth is truth ,and there’s a lot of people who are really ready. Amazing gratitude , respect . THANKYOU SO MUCH.

  3. Hi Morty,
    Thanks very much for this information, infact i was doing a lot of thought process to change my belief, your link was send to me by a friend of mine.
    Interpretation to the event is the great answer to my questions.

    Thanks very much and God bless you.

  4. This programme may be helpful for “normal” people. However, I don’t think it would help a person like me who has been struggling with Attention Deficit Disorder my entire life and has had many experiences, both old and recent, that have reinforced my beliefs in my deficiencies caused by my disorder. In my case it is not just my parents that have perpetuated the belief but also other people (friends, bosses, colleagues, etc)

    1. Hi Rez,

      In addition to any beliefs you might have that have caused your ADD, you also have the belief that you can’t get rid of your problem. I suspect that is the biggest problem you have now, namely the belief that nothing can help you. Unfortunately, it is a common belief that keeps people from getting help.

      By the way, the source of ADD is nothing that people have told you.

      We have helped people with ADD and ADHD.

      Love, Morty

  5. Morty, you have changed my life. I realize that is a rather cliche’ thing to say, but it is the complete truth. The part of the video about being the ‘creator of your life’ hit me like a ton of bricks. Very enlightening bricks. 🙂 A light bulb switched on in my universe the day I watched the video on changing negative beliefs. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


  6. Hi Morty,
    Thank you for your program. I successfully removed the belief that mistakes and failure are bad. During the program, I had difficulty remembering a specific time when I felt bad for making a mistake. I just knew there were many times my parents were upset with me. A memory suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks and I recalled every detail. I sat amazed as I watched my belief melt away, and I no longer maintain that belief. I can’t wait to get into your method more. I appreciate what you’ve done for me very much.


  7. Hi Morty,
    When I tried your method, I found myself feeling very self conscious, reluctant to say things aloud, and unable to make it through the process. I was reluctant to believe the source of the belief was my parents, and I was skeptical that the process could work. I got discouraged and did not complete the process because of these thoughts. I just find it overwhelming to try to remember the traumas that could’ve led to these beliefs…or which traumas are valid enough to have formed such strong beliefs…
    Thanks anyway.

  8. Dear Morty,
    I just had my introduction to your Method, on the far end of not having had a whole night’s sleep. So this isn’t the best stance from which to comment, except to say THANK YOU! I can’t wait to do this WITH a good night’s rest! But i know that something definitely shifted in the meantime. I can feel absolute promise of the transformative !!!! coming.

    Rachael Rocamora

  9. Agnieszka says:


    I came accross your video a few days ago and was able to eliminate one of my beliefs. The interesting thing is that elimination of only one belief makes other negative beliefs not so “believable” anymore either.

    What an amazing program, and free, I think you just might saved my life.
    I do not however want to stop working on myself. There is one belief that has been undermining my life for a very long time: I’m unlovable / unwanted. Is there at this point a video or any kind of material which could help me eliminate it?

    Please don’t stop the free services, they can and probably have saved lives. I strongly believe that if more people knew about the Lefkoe Method it could lower suicide rates. This should be something we teach children and young adults at schools.

    Thank you.

  10. Hi Morty,

    Before I listened to your ‘i am not important’ i already knew what I typed to you at the end were ‘stuck in my mind’ from child-hood experiences, however trivial they seem. But after the end of your 20 minute session I feel some what more confused that they should have effected me so much. Don’t think you helped – but maybe added to the problem. Didn’t bust the belief – sorry!

  11. Hello Morty,

    Right from my childhood I had this believe that I am not good in Science . Also , I could see this event in the form of my Transcript that inevitably showed (by means of Grades) , that I failed in Science.

    I just did your ” I am not good enough ” Limiting Belief removal program. So it means people in my position cannot get rid of a limiting belief like “I’m not good enough” when they have evidence ( like poor grades in my case) that they are indeed not good enough.


    1. Hi Debo,

      There is a difference between not being good at a specific skill, right now, and not being a good enough person, forever. The first can be true, the latter can never be true.

      The Lefkoe Belief Process can eliminate the belief I’m not good enough because it is not the truth.


  12. Also I really liked your Parent University concept 😉 A full program like that should be a requirement for every parent…it could change the world.

  13. Thank you very much for this presentation. It was very profound and it worked for me!

  14. Hi Morty,
    I just finished doing your free “not good enough” issue. Then I have read through your blog. Very interesting, people who r not ready to help themselves will always be negative, and we all have different situations that happen to us, your guide line is for us to picture our own event, mine was allot different I was told to my face every day, but doing that little free bee with you helped me move on, when I finished you asked how do we feel, I felt empty a bit scary as for years I have had resentment and goodness knows what else there, and now it is gone I feel a void . I have read tons of books which talk about me being the creator, and finally your explanation it hit home. I am sure the light bulb goes on for allot of people, I for one appreciated your effort you have put in.
    Many Thanks. Linda

  15. Hi Morty! I bought NC and am having a problem with it. While I have a lot of these beliefs, I feel like they didn’t come from my parents, I absolutely can’t see the way my parents treated me leading to them, and I can’t go back into any specific situation and re-live it because I can’t figure out how I formed the belief! Any advice?

  16. Hi Morty,

    Thanks for the work you’re doing! I have two comments after having done your confidence program and your money belief program. I find that the wording for the beliefs you use aren’t exactly how I would word them myself and it’s a little difficult to make the switch in my head. Therefore some of the beliefs seem to disappear right away and others linger.

    Also, I find that your 5 money beliefs program is missing a few VERY important belief that I’ve had for a long time, maybe even multiple lifetimes. And that is that having money isn’t spiritual. And that money is bad or evil. Or that money corrupts. There are also other related beliefs like wealthy people are arrogant and untrustworthy. I think it would be GREAT if you could flesh out this program with more of these kinds of beliefs.

    Thanks again for your great work!


  17. Hi Morty:

    I listened to you on a webinar and you just made sense. For that, I thank you.I find myself taking a step back and really considering a moment before reacting to it. I like the way you share your information….I trust it. I appreciate your work and thank you for sharing.

    Best regards,

  18. Not everything is only a belief or assigned-meaning. If I murder a kid in front of your eyes you feel bad because its inherently bad, not just because I attribute the meaning that its bad. By your standards it would be appropriate to feel joyful about that event.

    1. Hi Chuck,

      I could find other interpretations for your example. But let’s assume I can’t. That’s one example. How many more can you find?

      What does it inherently mean that mom and dad yelled at you? Or weren’t present when you wanted them? Etc. These are the events that had no inherent meaning that you gave meaning to and formed the beliefs that are running your life. Not having a child killed in front of you.

      Love, Morty

    2. I am on Belief 2. I have started who are you reall. I do have to say your analagies are good but you repeat the same one in every belief. I also have to say you have forgotten that some of us come from broken homes, foster care and child abuse. I dont see where you give us any recourse to think something else. I did soemwhat on my own liek they just weren’t loving people. They couldnt love you for they were not your biological parents. They hadnt their own negative beliefs. Also , Feelings to have shape , size and color especially when they’re intense childhood memories.
      There is not download to repeat the process and these negative beliefs have been there a long time- isnt repition needed to get rid of them. It would be helpfull when somethign happens that mimics the childhood events and thoughts in your mind.

  19. I have finished the Natural Confidence program, and done many of the occuring processes. however, I can’t seem to lose my anxiety that when a man is angry, he may become physically violent. I spend too much time being anxious around any kind of conflict. I know rationally and logically that this is ridiculous and yet I find myself immediately anxious if my spouse argues with anyone or strongly relays his views. I’m afraid he will be beaten up, or that a brawl will ensue and he will be killed or hurt badly. Any suggestions (besides individual sessions)?

    1. Hi Debbie,

      If you are able to use the Lefkoe Occurring Process all the time you would be able to dissolve the meaning you are giving specific conflict situations, which would also dissolve your fear.

      You probably have beliefs like Anger is dangerous and conflict is dangerous, and have conditioned anger and conflict to produce fear. If you eliminated those beliefs and conditionings, the anxiety would stop.

      Love, Morty

  20. Ciao, I think form in deep is empty, empty in deep is form.Use this with smart’
    Thanks for good lesson,
    Bogdan Lewandowski.

  21. how is babby formed
    how girl get pragnent

    1. how many years old do you have kavya?
      how do you live ?

      1. kavya, you ask women who live with you in your country, when you are alone with them.
        Ask women who have with babbys . They will tell you.
        Peace be with you.

  22. I went through the free online streaming to eliminate 3 limiting beliefs. I only did the “I’m not good enough” one, for right now. But for the moment, I have found that it helped me identify my limiting belief, but not eliminate it. Am I missing something? The last thing it did was have me write down specifics about the memories with my parents that created this limiting belief. To be honest, I already knew that. What I need to know is how to eliminate the belief now. But after I did that and clicked continue, there was nothing else to it, except taking me to the page to purchase the next program up. I was under the impression I would actually be able to eliminate this belief after going through this (though to be honest, I was skeptical that a few minutes watching a video online would do that. It’s so ingrained in me, and I already knew it was there.) So I’m wondering if perhaps I missed something? Or if the only purpose was to identify and not eliminate. I’ll try it again tomorrow, I guess.

    1. Jessica,

      Please try again. Somehow you missed most of the process. There are several parts taking about 25 minutes in total that will actually help you eliminate the belief.

      Love, Morty

      1. Thank you! I will try again tonight and let you know what happens.

  23. I was turned off by your videos because you want me to blame all my beleifs on my parents. I do not recall my parents in the way you portray them. They were very supportive. When I got in touble (as all kids do) I knew it was for something that I should not have done and I was being punished for that. I have no negative feelings from my childhood as far as my parents are concerned.
    I think in today’s society, we are too quick to blame the parents. My negative beliefs stem mainly from the mental abuse I suffered from my ex-husband but your videos don’t handle that situation.
    Please do not send me any more videos to watch.

    1. Stephanie says:

      Helen, every child, from the time they are born to about age 6 has a brain like a sponge – they don’t have conditioning yet, they don’t have set beliefs … their brains are forming & they take in EVERYTHING. You can have the BEST parents in the world & your ‘little’ child sees things differently. They take in the experience, and store in subconcious where ALL the info in those first yrs. is stored . As you grow older and start to go through life, you may start to feel a ‘feeling’ of sad, mad, not good enough, not worthy .. etc and you don’t know why… because it’s subconcious and all you have the feeling. Limiting beliefs are rea, Even Dr. Phil talks about them extensively in his book Self Matters. Please don’t take offense – it’s not about blaming your parents.

  24. First of all, none of the limiting beliefs you offer in your pitch apply to me, so I didn’t select one. Without even seeing your approach, I can almost say with certainty that the method should be universal in its application and work for any limiting belief, not have to be confined to just particular beliefs. I think you should have just chosen a limiting belief and showed everyone how your system works on it.

    However, I can see how offering a few selections gives you a little research into which of the categories of beliefs most people who respond. Clever, indeed.

    Second, the least you could do before having someone enter their email address in order to get your free advice on how to destroy a limiting belief is to tell them they are “subscribing” to something before they elect to request something for “free.”

    I think I’ll pass on your approach and your method. Besides, God’s plan is far better than yours for eliminating limiting beliefs.

  25. I just received the following email from Terry Shull, who completed the Natural Confidence course. I thought others might like to see it.

    Hi Morty,

    It’s been over a year since I started the Natural Confidence program. I procrastinated in finishing it but with your support I completed it about two months ago.

    As you know, I am 74 years old and have led an unusually intense life. I have been married four times and divorced three times. I was diagnosed with PTSD in early 2004 as a result of my service during the Viet Nam war. I have spent most of my life with the feeling of not being able to trust hardly anyone. I have always had this feeling of worrying about myself first and others next, if at all. My relationships have been superficial at best. The multi-marriages are just one example of my difficulty at being able to connect at a deeper emotional level with others, including my children. I have spent thousands of dollars and countless hours in therapy, taken all of the self-development courses available the last 40 years and they have helped some. I tell you all of this because it’s the best lead-in to telling you what the Natural Confidence program has done for me that all of the many hours of therapy and self-development courses couldn’t do or didn’t do.

    The last few months since completing the Natural Confidence program has been the very best time of my life. After completing your program I felt strangely empty. I felt uncomfortably calm, not anxious, and smiling more—a very unusual feeling for me to have. I noticed that I was hardly ever critical of others anymore but suddenly I found myself being sincerely empathetic to the feelings of others. I find myself able to trust what others say and do—that’s a first. My grown children and I are having sincere, loving communications—I am telling them I love them and they are saying the same thing!! Best of all, the petty arguments my wife and I have been having has diminished dramatically and we are spending lots of time talking and really listening to each other. People ask me what I’m doing—that I seem different. And I am—delightfully different!! I like myself and others. The vacuum that I felt when I eliminated those life-long (until now) limiting beliefs are being filled with love and trust for others, especially my wife and children. The anxiety I have lived with for so long has been replaced with sincere feelings of caring and empathy for others.

    There is no way to thank you and Shelley and the entire Lefkoe Institute staff for this miracle. This note is the best I can do. “Thank you” is a bit too shallow to convey my deep appreciation and love for all of you.

    With deep appreciation and love for all of you
    Terry Shull


  27. Claudette says:

    Hi Morty,

    I am going through Natural Confidence – about 1/2 way through now – and feel a calmness a lot of the time now – still much to work on and look forward to finishing. Thank you for the program.
    I noticed that at one point Karen mentioned 20 beliefs and 5 conditionings but I only see 19 and 4 on the side bar.
    I am taking the course right now and can see the benefit of finishing the NC first, especially since I do have fears associated with being judged and evaluated (vivid memories from grade one with that). So working to try to get through NC but don’t think at this time I will finish it in the 3 wks.
    I really do appreciate all the information and availability – it feels safe and less intrusive than counselling I have gone for in the past.
    Thanks again.

    1. Hi Claudette,

      Sorry about the confusion: there are 19 beleifs and four conditionings.

      If you don’t complete the program in three weeks don’t get stressed about it. Just complete it as soon as you can.

      Love, Morty

  28. Vladislav says:

    Hello, Morty.
    I have a question: how I can understand that my belief is removed? I worked through free program and began listen to big one. So far I worked through two beliefs: “I am not good enough” and “Mistakes and failures are bad”. In the beginning, than I told those statements aloud, I felt confidence – that they were correct statements about reality. Now I feel rejection and inside fiercely don’t agree with them. It is change, but not “feeling those words as flat” – they still cause emotional response. Are those statements destroyed?
    I will continue to listen to the program, so this comment is like: “Hey, this flask is emitting blue gas! Is this right, or I confused oxygen and nitrogen again?”

    P.S. My grammatical mistakes are caused by my birth in Russia. I still hope that you can read this.

    1. Hi Vladislav,

      DO the beliefs still feel true? Is there a change in how the belief felt from when you started to the end of the program? Is however you knew the belief was true at the beginning changed at the end?

      Love, Morty

  29. I would like to know how to get my money back if some one could let me know that would be good

    1. Hi Troy,

      I’m not sure what you bought or what you want your money back for.

      But if you send an email to karen@lefkoeinstitute.com she will assist you in getting your money back for whatever you purchased.

      Love, Morty

  30. Hi Morty!
    Thanks for offering for free an opportunity for testing your method. I’ve gone through the “I’m not important” and really felt different at the end of the process. The other two beliefs did not resonate with me though. However, there are other beliefs in the list that I would like to work on. So I haven’t decided whether I would buy the Natural Confidence program or buy separate beliefs instead. I also ordered your book “Re-create Your Life” and will be getting it in a few days. So, I guess I will read the book first and take a decision then.

    One thing I would like to hear from you is that I noticed that all three free beliefs recordings have about the same script for the basic part, differentiating only in the parts regarding to the specific belief. Do all the beliefs in the Natural Confidence program do the same? If that is the case, doesn’t it become boring to hear again and again the same explanations on forming beliefs (among other parts in the script), for example? Or this repeating is part of the process? How about the actual one-to-one consultation, does the facilitator do that too?

    Thanks and regards,

    1. Hi Silvio,

      The process for eliminating beliefs is the same, no matter what belief you are eliminating. The content is different each time: the belief is different, the source of the belief, the alternative interpretations, etc.

      Very few people complain about the process being boring when they eliminate beliefs that had kept them stuck for a lifetime.

      And, yes, eliminating beliefs in individual sessions is essentially the same as with the digital version.

      Love, Morty

  31. hi Morty,
    I just purchased the program and waiting for it to come. I think I eliminated “Im not good enough. I don’t feel the same gut reactions when I say it. Just like many of your clients I need emotional healing. But I also need physical healing in my body. I know “logically that it already exist” but I have not been able to receive and really “believe” I have been trying to for sooooo long. My life is pure hell due to the non existence of both. Have you encountered any people in similar situation? What could be the limiting beliefs which could be holding me back from receiving and believing? I know many people are able to receive healing though. I am excited about working the program and being LIBERATED! I had such an emotional and physically abusive childhood. Thanks Morty God Bless!

  32. Hi Morty,

    I haven’t read through a great deal of your material but I did go through one of the videos and read through your blog. I find the material, problems, difficulties, that you discuss resonates with me a great deal. I have a lot of the “I’m not good enough”, “I need attention from other people” beliefs. But it seems like a lot of your philosophy is that these beliefs originate from your parents. But I’ve always been so perplexed because I had an ideal childhood. MY parents were incredibly supportive and even when I deserved it they did not punish me or tell me I did anything wrong. It was always building me up and building me up. And yet for reasons uknown to me when I was younger I started developing these beliefs that I needed and wanted and would do just about anything to get the attention of others. Does any of your material speak to this kind of a situation and the reasons behind a spontaneous need of such a thing?

  33. Morty, I bought the whole program and I’m really enjoying these videos. And I am struggling with one thing. When you ask “Do you still feel… (belief)?” I do often feel sadness or hurt or anger, related to the belief, which seems like I’m still “feeling the belief.” I’m guessing I would feel relief or nothing, if I no longer have that belief. So…should I go back and work on those beliefs? I hope this makes sense! Thank you, Melissa

    1. Hi Melissa,

      The feelings could be the result of the belief still being there, but it doesn’t sound like that is the issue. It also could be thoughts about the childhood events that led to the beleifs, and the beliefs are really gone.

      I can’t really tell without spending some time talking to you. You can try going through the process again with a belief and see if that changes your feelings.

      Love, Morty

  34. Hi Morty,
    I wanted to thank you for offering some of your videos on getting rid of negative beliefs for free. At this time I am unable to pay for the program which I feel is extremely valuable. The fact that I was able to get rid of a few of my beliefs for free has already made a difference and has empowered me. Again, Thank You So Much for truly helping me get rid of some of my negative beliefs. You have made a huge impact in my life in such a short time, a gift that I would not have been able to afford.
    Extremely grateful, Karitzme

  35. Hi Morty,
    I’d like to thank you for the natural confidence program. It’s been going great so far and I feel a difference already. I reached the 9th belief but right now I’m a little confused. I just don’t know what’s the difference between I’m inadequate and I’m not competent. (Also ‘I’m not capable’ feels a little like them but I can see the difference) They seem the same to me and if I eliminated one of them and went on to do the other one, it would feel like I’m trying to remove something that is no longer there. I wouldn’t know what to do. What am I missing? English isn’t my first language so there might be be a difference in meaning that I don’t get.

    Thank you in advance

    1. Hi Sh,

      For some people, the different beliefs you name are different ways of saying the same thing, so getting rid of one automatically gets rid of the others. For others, the beliefs are experienced differently, so each belief has to be eliminated separately.

      If it feels like getting rid of one belief gets rid of another, then you don’t need to work on the second one.

      Love, Morty

  36. Morty,
    Most of the garbage was dumped on my brother, 12 years my senior.
    I have felt that even though, to a great degree, I was spared their anger and rage I assimilated what they dumped on my brother.
    Am I thinking correctly?
    Many thanks

    1. Hi Herman,

      In most cases we form beliefs based on our own experience, not on how we observe others being treated. It is hard to see how you formed negative self-esteem beliefs based on how your brother was treated.

      Love, Morty

  37. I just want to say thank you again Morty. Your Lefkoe method has been very liberating for me. I decided to pick up a copy of your book also, to learn more about the process. Thanks!

  38. I love the idea of you as my kindly neighbor. That part was so helpful. I can see my young self talking with you and becoming so relieved to find acceptance. I also see myself enjoying your adult attention and wisdom. Thank you

  39. Hi Morty,
    First let me begin by repeating what everyone else who has gone through this program has said (though I am on belief # 7), your program is really amazing. I get it and it has been very effective so far. I just finished the belief “nothing I do is good enough”. this was a very tough one, but I think that I did it. I feel so much better now. I haven’t checked what all the remaining beliefs are about, but how about the belief: “everything has meaning”. this is something my father says all the time and has always said. do you think that this is something that has to be eliminated as well or is it kind of embedded in the other beliefs?

    thanks so much for all that you do!!!

    1. Hi Pani,

      I think most people have that (unconscious) belief but it seems to take care of itself in the process of using the Lefkoe Belief process many times and getting that the events that lead to beleifs never have any meaning.


  40. Thank you, Morty! Your work is ground-breaking. My comment is quite long but I hope you’ll get back to me!

    I used to have the belief that mistakes and failure are bad but over the course of 2 years, I got rid of it by myself when I failed at some of my endeavors over and over. I was depressed for a long time but eventually I realised that the sky didn’t fall when I made a mistake or failed. Life is too short to take too seriously. Living life with ease and a light heart makes success come to you much easier.

    I did watch the videos for eliminating ‘I’m not good enough’ as well as ‘I’m not important’, because for me, somehow they went both hand in hand. I now feel much lighter and looking back, it was rather silly of me to have those beliefs when there could have been many other reasons to explain the events in my life.

    Beliefs are only our attempt at expaining various events in our lives. I’m also personally working on replacing detrimental beliefs with useful ones. I’m very interested in natural confidence program. Where can I get it?

    I’ve also noticed that now when I tell myself ‘I am important…’, I don’t seem to believe it 100%. There’s still some resistance and I find that I have to rationalize with myself as to why I really am important. Similarly, when I tell myself ‘I am good enough, I deserve the best that I can get’, there is some resistance and I still have to stop and run myself through why I DO think I’m important and try to ‘convince’ myself. How do I get rid of this? I want to be totally confident in my beliefs.

    1. Hi Ray,

      First of all, you can get the Natural Confidence program at http://recreateyourlife.com/naturalconfidence.

      I can’t be sure what is happening to you. If you did the process correctly, the beliefs should be gone. And if they are, then one possible reason you still don’t feel the opposites are true is that you have other similar beleifs that make you feel as if the original beleifs are not gone.

      For example, you could get rid of the belief, I’m not good enough, and still hold the beliefs, I’m not okay and nothing I do is good enough. If you held the latter two beliefs, it might still feel as if you believe, I’m not good enough, when in fact that belief is gone.

      If you wanted to have a session with a Certified Lefkoe Method Facilitator we could figure out exactly what’s happening and help you. For more information please call us at 415-884-0552.


  41. Hans Pennala says:

    Thanks Morty!

    After working for years with various techniques and various results I happened across your information. After the free session I noticed significant changes in my feelings immediately. Within 1 day I have observed my behaviors playing out differently which has made significant improvements in my life, and this is only the first belief, and the first twenty four hours. This is amazing work, thank you so much.

  42. Morty;

    thank you and your team once again. You help me lot and soon definetly i will go for the complete online program to get rid of all limiting beliefs possible. With the help of your methods, love, and care now i forgive the things faster and naturally getting lighter, thanks for that once again..i am sure that Morty methods will help our planet to chance to better..Regards. Faik

  43. Juliet Petersen says:

    Hey Morty,

    I just wanted to say thank you so much for taking the time and energy to put on these videos and teach people about this. I have really seen a difference in my life already and I can’ t wait to see what my future will hold. Thank you!

  44. Hi Morty.

    I love the belief buster. The possibility part in the end was lovely.
    I would like to add a comment to your videos, since i have been working as an NLP Coach for some time now.
    I have also helped a lot of people go through theyr limiting beliefs, and i would offer the advice to you of adding Auditory and Kinesthetic language pattern.

    You often say “can you see”, and “see yourself”, but many people have a preferance with sounds or feelings when describing events. Maybe you could add some more of theyr type of language.

    Hope this was helpful and thanks for helping people all over, expanding conciousness 🙂

    1. Hi Magnus,

      Thanks for the suggestion. We do have something specific for emotionally kinesthetic and maybe we also should have for auditory.

      Love, Morty

  45. I read the material on the website and am not sure if your program can help me. Over sometime I have started following certain things which are effecting my personal life
    I used to be very carefree with my daughter initially. Sometime back I had bad experiences with her health one after the another. Now I feel myself to be overly concerned for her. Everything small thing make be become nervous. I am a working women. Thankfully I do not take any tension for anything other thing in my life – be it professional issues or financial issues. The only thing I am always worried about is my daughter. I am not able to sleep properly. If I do anything for my personal pleasure like reading a book or watching movie – i have a guilt feeling. I feel if I plan for enjoying activity, I will have bad effect on my daughter’s health. I have totally stopped engaging my self into any activity that would give me pleasure. I have built of this belief – like if I do x thing then it will be bad for my daughter. And the list of the this ‘x’ thing is growing. I find myself always thinking negative and at times when I go against them and try to break the belief something bad happens and the negative belief/feeling becomes more strong. I used to be very carefree and ambitious female and now its only about my daughter.In my professional life and other aspects of personal life I am very confident, I know I can do anything. Issue comes when I start relating these to my daughter. I want be myself, what I was. I want to enjoy my daughter’s childhood. Please guide me through it and let me know if I need to provide my details

    1. Hi Testola,

      It appears from what you’ve told me that your fear about your daughter is the result of beliefs about parenting and having a child. We probably could help you in private one-to-one phone or Skype sessions.

      If you would like further information or would like to make an appointment, please call us at 415-884-0552.


      1. Thanks for your quick response. I see a ray of hope in this state of depression. Please let me know what time suits you, I would really want to get rid of this problem. I am in India, please let me know the time that suits you and whatever mode of conversation is better

  46. Now I don’t believe in anything, I don’t know who or what I am or supposed to be, just blah. Thanks for erasing who I was but now who am I. I don’t even know what I want to do or who I want to be because I don’t care either way. How do I find out what I want to do or who I want to be now.

  47. Well, I’m more into conditional, behavioral therapy ie making changes in present behavior to effect real, genuine change. However, I enjoyed going through this. One really positive thing that I learned here and that I hope to apply to all aspects of my life is the realization that surrounding events have no meaning, only the meaning that I give them. What a powerful tool for re-framing events. Thank you so much!

    1. Hi Yosef,

      Glad you found the belief-elimination process useful.

      If you eliminate all the beliefs that cause a specific dysfunctional behavior, the behavior will cease. You can get rid of procrastination or fear of public speaking by eliminating 10-15 beliefs.


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